"A tour de force list of scientific papers..."
- Robert M. Carter, Ph.D. Environmental Scientist
"Wow, the list is pretty impressive ...It's Oreskes done right."
- Luboš Motl, Ph.D. Theoretical Physicist
"I really appreciate your important effort in compiling the list."
- Willie Soon, Ph.D. Astrophysicist and Geoscientist
"An excellent place to start to take stock of the scientific diversity of positions on AGW."
- Emil A. Røyrvik, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist
"...it's a very useful resource. Thanks to the pop tech team."
- Joanne Nova, Author of The Skeptics Handbook
"I do confess a degree of fascination with Poptech's list..."
- John Cook, Cartoonist at Skeptical Science
† This resource has been cited over 100 times, including in scholarly peer-reviewed journals.

Before accepting any criticisms of this list, please read the detailed rebuttals.
Table of Contents:
Counting Method
Criteria for Inclusion
Criteria for Removal
Rebuttals to Criticisms
Climate Sensitivity
Coral Reefs
Gulf Stream
Hockey Stick
Medieval Warm Period
Roman Warm Period
Ocean Acidification
Polar Bears
Sea Level
Species Extinctions
Natural Disasters
Droughts, Floods
Heat Waves
Satellite Temperatures
Urban Heat Island
Weather Stations
1,500-Year Climate Cycle
CO2 Lags Temperature
Cosmic Rays
An Inconvenient Truth
Armed Conflict
Kyoto Protocol
Stern Review
Historic * This section is not counted
Journal Citation List
Journal Notes
Impact Factor
Scientist Credentials
Tip: Use Ctrl+F (PC) or Command+F (Mac) to search this page.
Preface: The following papers support skeptic arguments against Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC), Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) or Alarmism [e.g. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) or Dangerous Anthropogenic Global Warming (DAGW)]. Please read the following introductory notes for more detailed information.
Alarmism: (defined), "concern relating to a perceived negative environmental or socio-economic effect of ACC/AGW, usually exaggerated as catastrophic."
Disclaimer: Even though the most prolific authors on the list are skeptics, the inclusion of a paper in this list does not imply a specific personal position to any of the authors. While certain authors on the list cannot be labeled skeptics (e.g. Harold Brooks, Roger Pielke Jr., Roger Pielke Sr.) their paper(s) or results from their paper(s) can still support skeptic's arguments against Alarmism. Some papers are mutually exclusive and should be considered independently. This list will be updated and corrected as necessary.
This is a bibliographic resource for skeptics not a list of skeptics.
Lists of skeptical scientists can be found here:
- 31,487 Scientists Reject AGW Alarmism
- 1100 Climate Realists sign 'The Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change'
- 1000+ International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
- 300+ Eminent Scientists Reject U.N. Climate Change Treaty
Counting Method: Only peer-reviewed papers are counted. Supplemental papers are not counted but listed as references in defense of various papers, these are italicized and proceeded by an asterisk ( * ) so they are not confused with the counted papers.
Supplemental papers include (but are not limited to): Addendums, Comments, Corrections, Discussions, Erratum, Rebuttals, Rejoinders, Replies, Responses, Supplemental Material, Updates and Submitted papers.
Supplemental papers include (but are not limited to): Addendums, Comments, Corrections, Discussions, Erratum, Rebuttals, Rejoinders, Replies, Responses, Supplemental Material, Updates and Submitted papers.
This is a dynamic list that is routinely updated. When a significant new number of peer-reviewed papers is added the list title will be updated with the new larger number. The list intentionally includes an additional 10+ peer-reviewed papers as a margin of error at all times, which gradually increases between updates. Thus the actual number of peer-reviewed papers on the list can be much greater than stated.
Criteria for Inclusion: All counted papers must be peer-reviewed, published in a scholarly journal and support a skeptic argument against ACC/AGW or Alarmism. This means the papers are either written by a skeptic, explicit to a skeptical position, or were already cited by and determined to be in support of a skeptic argument by highly credentialed scientists, such as Sherwood B. Idso Ph.D. Research Scientist Emeritus, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory and Patrick J. Michaels Ph.D. Climatology.
Criteria for Removal: Papers will only be removed if it is determined by the editor that they have not properly met the criteria for inclusion or have been retracted by the journal. Just like other popular scientific bibliographic resources (e.g. Scopus, Web of Science), no paper will be removed because of the existence of a criticism or published correction. Any known published correction will be included on the list following the original paper to show that these did not affect the author's original conclusions.
Formatting: All papers are cited as: "Paper Name, Journal Name, Volume, Issue or Number, Pages, Date and Authors". All Supplemental papers are preceded by an asterisk and italicized; Addendums, Comments, Corrections, Erratum, Replies, Responses and Submitted papers. Ordering of the papers is chronological per category.
Purpose: To provide a bibliographic resource for peer-reviewed papers that support skeptic arguments against ACC/AGW or Alarmism and to prove that these papers exist contrary to claims otherwise;
"You realize that there are something like two or three thousand studies all of which concur which have been peer reviewed, and not one of the studies dissenting has been peer reviewed?"
- John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State and Failed U.S. Presidential Candidate (2004)
"There was a massive study of every scientific article in a peer reviewed article written on global warming in the last ten years. They took a big sample of 10 percent, 928 articles. And you know the number of those that disagreed with the scientific consensus that we’re causing global warming and that is a serious problem out of the 928: Zero. The misconception that there is disagreement about the science has been deliberately created by a relatively small number of people."
- Al Gore, Former U.S. Vice President and Failed U.S. Presidential Candidate (2000)
"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told by AGW voices that there are NO qualified skeptics or peer reviewed/published work by them. Including right here by RC regulars. In truth there is serious work and questions raised by significant work by very qualified skeptics which has been peer reviewed and published. It should be at least a bit disturbing for this type of denial to have been perpetrated with such a chorus. It’s one thing to engage and refute. But it’s not right to misrepresent as not even existing the counter viewpoints. I fully recognize the adversarial environment between the two opposing camps which RC and CA/WUWT represent, but the the perpetual declaration that there is no legitimate rejection of AGW is out of line."
- John H., Comment at RealClimate.org
Rebuttals to Criticisms:
I. This first section includes detailed rebuttals to commonly posted links attacking the list:
- 97 Articles Refuting The "97% Consensus"
- All "97% Consensus" Studies Refuted by Peer-Review
- Correcting misinformation about the journal Energy & Environment
- Origin of the Popular Technology.net Peer-Reviewed List
- Rebuttals to Published Alarmist Papers
- AGW Observer - Rebuttal to "Anti-AGW papers debunked"
- Carbon Brief - Are Skeptical Scientists funded by ExxonMobil?
- Carbon Brief - Rebuttal to "9 out of top 10 authors linked to ExxonMobil"
- Carbon Brief - Rebuttal to "Using our paper to support skepticism of anthropogenic global warming is misleading."
- Carbon Brief - Rebuttal to "Energy and Environment – "journal of choice for climate skeptics"
- DeSmogBlog - Rebuttal to "Don't Be Fooled: Fossil Fools Fund Latest Climate Skeptic Petition"
- Greenfyre - Rebuttal to "450 more lies from the climate change Deniers"
- Greenfyre - Rebuttal to "Poptart's 450 climate change Denier lies"
- Greenfyre - Rebuttal to "Poptart gets burned again, 900 times"
- itsnotnova - Rebuttal to "Poptech's list of Confusion"
- itsnotnova - Rebuttal to 7 Spammed Lies
- James Powell - 2,258 Meaningless Search Results
- James Powell - 13,950 Meaningless Search Results
- Mothincarnate - Rebuttal to "4xx+ Genuine Science Papers Supporting Confidence in the AGW theory and Relevant Environmental Concern"
- Pennsylvania State University - Rebuttal to PSU ENGR 408 Class Paper
- Roger Pielke Jr. - Rebuttal to "Better Recheck That List"
- Skeptical Science - Rebuttal to "Meet the Denominator"
- uknowispeaksense - Rebuttal to "Does size matter?"
- Whac-A-Troll - Rebuttal to "The results I got from parsing poptech's list"
- Yahoo Answers - Rebuttal to "PopularTechnology...Expertise.... Seriously Delusional?"
II. This second section includes general rebuttals to common criticisms:
- 97% of the climate science literature disagrees with the list.
- Every major scientific organization disagrees with the list.
- The list does not define low climate sensitivity.
- The list does not present a scientific argument.
- The list has been cherry picked.
- The list has been debunked, discredited or refuted.
- The list has broken links.
- The list has not been peer-reviewed.
- The list uses "weasel words".
- The list's title implies the papers were written to support skeptic arguments.
- All climate related papers not on the list endorse AGW.
- None of the papers on the list argue against AGW.
- None of the papers on the list argue against consensus.
- Supplemental papers are counted.
- Some papers on the list are commentary or editorials.
- Some papers on the list are duplicates.
- Some papers on the list are hidden behind a paywall.
- Some papers on the list are mutually exclusive [contradictory].
- Some papers on the list are not relevant.
- Some papers on the list are not peer-reviewed.
- Some papers on the list are not peer-reviewed because they are a "Letter".
- Some papers on the list are not physical science papers.
- Some papers on the list are not research papers.
- Some papers on the list are not widely cited.
- Some papers on the list are old.
- Some papers on the list are outdated.
- Some papers on the list are refuted by a blog post.
- Some papers on the list contain errors.
- Some papers on the list discredit the entire list.
- Some papers on the list do not argue against AGW.
- Some papers on the list do not argue against climate change denial.
- Some papers on the list do not argue against global warming.
- Some papers on the list have been debunked, discredited or refuted.
- Some papers on the list have been retracted.
- Some papers were listed based only on their title.
- Most of the papers on the list come from Energy & Environment.
- Papers on the list come from "dog astrology" journals.
- Some journals on the list are not indexed in a Thomson Reuters product.
- Some journals on the list are not peer-reviewed.
- Some journals on the list are trade journals.
- Some journals on the list do not use relevant reviewers.
- Some journals on the list have a low impact factor.
- Authors have demanded that their papers be removed from the list.
- Few of the papers on the list were authored by skeptics.
- Most of the papers on the list come from a small amount of authors.
- Some authors on the list are funded by energy companies.
- Some authors on the list are not climate scientists.
- Some authors on the list are not scientists.
- Some authors on the list are not skeptics.
- AGW hypothesis is never used by scientists.
- Alarmism is never used by scientists.
- CAGW is never used by scientists.
- DAGW is never used by scientists.
- The editor is not qualified to compile the list.
- Popular Technology.net was named to be misleading.
- Popular Technology.net is a conspiracy theorist website.
- Popular Technology.net is a creationist website.
- Popular Technology.net is a right-wing website.
- Popular Technology.net is a "denier" website.
- Popular Technology.net is a climate "denier" website.
- Popular Technology.net is a climate change "denier" website.
- Popular Technology.net is a global warming "denier" website.
- Popular Technology.net is a science "denier" website.
- Popular Technology.net is an AGW "denier" website.
- Popular Technology.net is not a scholarly journal.
- Popular Technology.net is not cited, referenced or taken seriously.
Criticism: 97% of the climate science literature disagrees with the list.
Rebuttal: No 97% study exists that shows 44,000 peer-reviewed papers explicitly endorsing AGW. The largest study to date, Cook et al. (2013) attempted to categorize 11,944 abstracts [brief summaries] of papers (not entire papers) to their level of endorsement of AGW and found 7930 (66%) held no position on AGW. While only 64 papers (0.5%) explicitly endorsed and quantified AGW as +50% (humans are the primary cause). A later analysis by Legates et al. (2013) found there to be only 41 papers (0.3%) that supported this definition. Cook et al.'s methodology was so fatally flawed that they falsely classified skeptic papers as endorsing the 97% consensus, apparently believing to know more about the papers than their authors. The second part of Cook et al. (2013), the author self-ratings simply confirmed the worthlessness of their methodology, as they were not representative of the sample since only 4% of the authors (1189 of 29,083) rated their own papers and of these 63% disagreed with the abstract ratings. All the other "97% consensus" studies: e.g. Doran & Zimmerman (2009), Anderegg et al. (2010) and Oreskes (2004) have been refuted by peer-review.
Criticism: Every major scientific organization disagrees with the list.
Rebuttal: This is misleading since only a very small minority of scientists have actually expressed a position on AGW from these organizations. Policy statements release by a handful of council members or signed by just the president of a scientific organization can speak for no one other than these few scientists. It is disingenuous to imply that the membership bodies (in some cases hundreds of thousands of members) of these scientific organizations which have never voted to approve such statements can be used in support of them. Many members join scientific organizations for free access to organizational resources or discounts on journals and meetings. They may have little to no interest in the organization's policy positions. Without a comprehensive survey or poll of every member's position in relation to these organization's policy statements no meaningful conclusions can be drawn.
Criticism: The list does not define low climate sensitivity.
Rebuttal: The IPCC states that, "climate sensitivity is likely (66%) to be in the range 2°C to 4.5°C, with a best estimate value of about 3°C." Thus, climate sensitivity estimates where the mean does not exceed 2°C (low end of the IPCC range) or the high end of the range does not exceed 3°C (the IPCC mean) are considered to support skeptical arguments for a low climate sensitivity.
Criticism: The list does not present a scientific argument.
Rebuttal: The list is a bibliographic resource not a scientific argument. The purpose of the list is to show that peer-reviewed papers exist that support skeptic arguments and to be used as a bibliographic resource to locate these papers.
Criticism: The list has been cherry picked.
Rebuttal: This is absolutely false, as the list does not discriminate between competing skeptical viewpoints and the purpose of the list is clearly stated, "To provide a bibliographic resource for peer-reviewed papers that support skeptic arguments against ACC/AGW or Alarmism and to prove that these papers exist contrary to claims otherwise." Using this logic the IPCC reports are "cherry picked" because they failed to included most of these papers.
Criticism: The list has been debunked, discredited or refuted.
Rebuttal: The list has never been debunked, discredited or refuted, as all known criticisms of this list have been rebutted. The existence of a criticism does not make it true, as invalid criticisms of the list have been repeatedly shown to be based on lies, misinformation or strawman arguments. In all cases, these long refuted criticisms are now years old and have no relation to the current revision of the list. Whenever a clarification or correction was made for a legitimate issue these have always been insignificant and they have never affected the list count or changed its purpose.
Criticism: The list has broken links.
Rebuttal: Anyone with an elementary knowledge of the Internet knows that links can break at any time for various reasons. Unfortunately certain journals are apparently unable to hire competent web masters who know how to properly migrate URLs when reorganizing their websites - this problem is out of our control. Regardless, the full citation is provided so there is no excuse about not being able to locate a paper using a search engine like Google. All broken links will eventually be fixed by changing them to persistent URLs using the DOI system. Also, all future papers that are added will be done using DOI URLs. When this list was first created the DOI system was incredibly slow and unreliable but since that time performance and reliability has improved to a point that we feel comfortable using them.
Criticism: The list has not been peer-reviewed.
Rebuttal: The list is a bibliographic resource not a scholarly paper, meta-analysis or systematic review. Bibliographic resources are not peer-reviewed but curated by an editor. They are used as aids in locating information, in this case peer-reviewed papers supporting skeptic arguments.
Criticism: The list uses "weasel words".
Rebuttal: Qualifiers are not "weasel words", but an accepted method by the scientific community to express a level of confidence. Rejection of the use of qualifiers would mean rejection of the IPCC reports and the use of such terms as "consensus". The IPCC AR5 WG1 'Summary for Policy Makers' liberally uses qualifiers, "A level of confidence is expressed using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and very high".
Criticism: The list's title implies the papers were written to support skeptic arguments.
Rebuttal: This is false, as the word "written" is specifically not used in the title. Correct definitions of these words to the actual context they are used here can be found in the "Definitions" section of the list. While hundreds of the papers on the list were written by skeptics, all of the papers are only claimed to have been or can be referenced to support a skeptic argument against Alarmism.
Criticism: All climate related papers not on the list endorse AGW.
Rebuttal: While there are thousands of climate related papers in the scholarly literature only a small percentage of them even mention "Anthropogenic Global Warming" (AGW) let alone explicitly endorse it. Studies such as Cook et al. (2013) have shown that 66% hold no position on AGW while only 0.5% explicitly endorse and quantify AGW as +50% (Humans are the primary cause).
Criticism: None of the papers on the list argue against AGW.
Rebuttal: There are various papers on the list that explicitly argue against AGW, such as: Legates and Davis (1997), Raschke (2001), Singer (2002), Khilyuk and Chilingar (2006), Karlen (2008), Gerlich and Tscheuschner (2009), Kramm and Dlugi (2011), Zhao (2011), Beenstock et al. (2012) and more.
Criticism: None of the papers on the list argue against consensus.
Rebuttal: There are various papers on the list that explicitly argue against consensus, such as: Schulte (2008), Legates et al. (2013) and Tol (2014). While all of the "97% consensus" studies have been refuted by peer-review.
Criticism: Supplemental papers are counted.
Rebuttal: Supplemental papers are not counted but listed as references in defense of various papers, these are italicized and proceeded by an asterisk ( * ) so they are not confused with the counted papers. Supplemental papers include (but are not limited to): Addendums, Comments, Corrections, Discussions, Erratum, Rebuttals, Rejoinders, Replies, Responses, Supplemental Material, Updates and Submitted papers.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are commentary or editorials.
Rebuttal: Every counted paper on the list is a peer-reviewed research or review paper. Certain scholarly journals that do not focus on primary research such as, Trends in Parasitology include research-related 'Opinion' articles that are peer-reviewed. These scholarly works should not be confused with general commentary or editorial pieces that appear in magazines and newspapers.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are duplicates.
Rebuttal: No duplicate papers exist on the list and papers in the Highlights section are not counted twice. In the past there were some very minor issues with the merging of multiple lists and category reorganizations that were quickly corrected and had no affect on the list count. An additional 10+ peer-reviewed papers are included on the list as a margin of error at all times, which gradually increases between updates.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are hidden behind a paywall.
Rebuttal: Whether a full copy of a paper is made freely available is at the discretion of the journal's publisher. Any similar list would have the same limitations since archiving a paper without a publisher's permission would violate copyright law. Where a full copy of a paper was found online, a (PDF) link was added after a paper's name.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are mutually exclusive [contradictory].
Rebuttal: The list is a bibliographic resource not a unified scientific theory and does not discriminate between competing skeptical viewpoints. Papers are included just like they are for other academic bibliographic resources (e.g. Elsevier's Scopus and Ebsco's Academic Search) so long as they meet the topical classification criteria. It is left up to the person using this resource to make up their own minds regarding any mutually exclusive claims. Anyone with an open mind would accept and welcome independent thought and debate on an unsettled scientific discipline like climate change.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are not relevant.
Rebuttal: Invalid criticisms of the list include lies, misinformation and strawman arguments that misrepresent why some papers were listed. All of the papers on the list can support a skeptic argument against ACC/AGW or Alarmism - which includes hundreds of ridiculous claims made by Alarmists.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are not peer-reviewed.
Rebuttal: Every counted paper on the list has been peer-viewed and each journal is checked that it follows a scholarly peer-review process. Critics have always been asked to provide evidence to support their allegations, yet repeatedly fail to do so. If a paper is shown to be listed in error it will be removed. The list also includes supplemental papers, which are not counted but listed as references in defense of various papers. These are proceeded by an asterisk ( * ) and italicized so they cannot be confused with the actual list of counted papers. There is no requirement for supplemental papers to be peer-reviewed, even though almost all of them have been.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are not peer-reviewed because they are a "Letter".
Rebuttal: "Letters" is a term used to describe a type of peer-reviewed scientific document format in certain scholarly journals such as Nature. These original research articles should not be confused with "Letters to the Editor".
Criticism: Some papers on the list are not physical science papers.
Rebuttal: This is a strawman argument, as it is not claimed that all the papers are physical science papers, only that they are all peer-reviewed. Just like the WGII and WGIII sections of the IPCC reports, peer-reviewed papers from social scientists and policy analysts are included in the list. These papers appear in the appropriate socio-economic sections (e.g. Socio-Economic) separate from the physical science sections on the list. Regardless, there are over 1000 physical science papers on the list.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are not research papers.
Rebuttal: This is a strawman argument, as it is not claimed that all the papers are "research" papers, only that they are all peer-reviewed. Review papers under go the same peer-review process as research papers and are considered scientifically valid. Regardless, there are numerous original research papers on the list.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are not widely cited.
Rebuttal: Citations are a determination of popularity not scientific validity. The infamous retracted paper falsely linking vaccines to autism, Wakefield et al. (1998) has been cited over 2500 times. While this list does not discriminate against papers based on unscientific popularity metrics, many papers on the list have still been cited hundreds of times; e.g. "Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage—a missing link in solar-climate relationships" has been cited over 1200 times, "Some coolness concerning global warming" over 550 times and "Plant responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment in the face of environmental constraints: a review of the past 10 years' research" over 500 times.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are old.
Rebuttal: The age of any scientific paper is irrelevant. Using this argument would mean dismissing Svante Arrhenius's 1896 paper "On the influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the temperature of the ground" and the basis for greenhouse theory. Regardless, there are over 1000 papers published since 2000 and over 1250 papers published since 1990 on the list. The handful of papers in the Historic section (pre-1970) are not counted but included to demonstrate that skepticism has been around for a long time.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are outdated.
Rebuttal: Scientific papers do not become "outdated", they can only be falsified and even then they can still remain useful for future research to build upon or adapt from. Scientists have called for various scientific theories to be declared "outdated", from the Big Bang to Evolution but without providing objectively valid arguments that actually falsify them. This is a form of scientific censorship based on ideological biases and personal prejudices with the intent to persuade people from reading certain papers, when in reality the papers may very well be correct.
Criticism: Some papers on the list are refuted by a blog post.
Rebuttal: That is not how peer-reviewed papers are challenged. Any valid criticisms would follow the established peer-review process of submitting a comment for publication in the same journal, which allows the author of the original paper a chance to publish a rebuttal in defense of their paper. The list includes any rebuttals to published critical comments following the original paper, these are italicized and proceeded by an asterisk ( * ) so they are not confused with the counted papers.
Criticism: Some papers on the list contain errors.
Rebuttal: The list includes a small number of valid papers which also contained minor errors that have since been corrected and did not affect the original paper's conclusions. The scholarly peer-review process is not infallible and errors are sometimes not caught until after the post-publication peer-review process when a larger volume of scientists have had a chance to read a paper. Science is a self-correcting process and publishing corrections to papers is the standard method to do this in the scholarly literature. Corrected papers are never removed from scientific bibliographic resources like retracted papers and they will continue to be cited. The only difference going forward is they should be cited alongside the published correction. This list contains any supplemental papers that include corrections or erratum which are listed following the original. Supplemental papers are preceded by an asterisk and italicized so they cannot be confused with the original paper. In some cases, such as Lindzen and Choi (2009) the authors were unable to get a correction published in the original journal and instead had to publish their correction elsewhere - Lindzen and Choi (2011). As expected, the original paper - Lindzen and Choi (2009) continues to be extensively cited over 125 times.
Criticism: Some papers on the list discredit the entire list.
Rebuttal: Cherry picking papers from the list and misrepresenting why they were included is disingenuous. Most people attempting this make invalid assumptions for why a paper was included and then come to a false conclusion about the entire list. In all cases these cherry picked papers have been shown to support a skeptic argument against Alarmism when challenged. A "Highlights" section is specifically included to provide a more accurate sample using papers that make clear skeptic arguments that cannot be misinterpreted.
Criticism: Some papers on the list do not argue against AGW.
Rebuttal: This is a strawman argument, as the list not only includes papers that support skeptic arguments against ACC/AGW but also Alarmism. Thus, a paper does not have to argue against AGW to still support skeptic arguments against alarmist conclusions (e.g. Hurricanes are getting worse due to global warming). Valid skeptic arguments include that AGW is exaggerated or inconsequential, such as those made by Richard S. Lindzen Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science at MIT and John R. Christy Ph.D. Professor of Atmospheric Science at UAH.
Criticism: Some papers on the list do not argue against climate change denial.
Rebuttal: This is a strawman argument, as no paper on the list argues that the climate does not change.
Criticism: Some papers on the list do not argue against global warming.
Rebuttal: This is a strawman argument, as no paper on the list argues that there has not been a global temperature increase of a fraction of a degree since the end of the little ice age.
Criticism: Some papers on the list have been debunked, discredited or refuted.
Rebuttal: The existence of a criticism does not make it true. Rebuttals to published peer-reviewed criticisms of a paper are included on the list as supplemental papers following the original. These rebuttals either completely refute the original criticism or correct for legitimate errors and show that these do not affect their original conclusions. It is not reasonable to expect these authors to waste their time responding to every alarmist blog post or comment made against their paper(s) on the Internet. Yet, according to AGW proponents peer-reviewed papers that do not agree with their alarmist position on climate change are either wrong or do not exist. This bibliographic resource was created to correct this myth.
Criticism: Some papers on the list have been retracted.
Rebuttal: Not a single peer-reviewed paper that has ever appeared on this list has had its peer-reviewed status retracted. If any of these papers are retracted by the journal they were published in they will be removed from this list. This is explicitly stated in the Criteria for Removal.
Criticism: Some papers were listed based only on their title.
Rebuttal: Hundreds of papers on the list have been read in full, while every paper's abstract and conclusion (when available) was read before it was listed. In cases where a paper was not written by a skeptic or support of a skeptic argument was not explicit in the abstract or conclusion, an independent summary by highly credentialed scientists, such as Sherwood B. Idso Ph.D. Research Scientist Emeritus, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory and Patrick J. Michaels Ph.D. Climatology was used or the paper was read in full.
Criticism: Most of the papers on the list come from Energy & Environment.
Rebuttal: The IPCC cited scholarly peer-reviewed journal Energy & Environment only represents 10% of the list. There are still over 1200 papers from 350 other journals on the list, including over 120 papers from Geophysical Research Letters.
Criticism: Papers on the list come from "dog astrology" journals.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem that attempts to misrepresent the entire list by cherry picking the peer-reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration (JSE) and the two listed papers from it, which represent a negligible 0.1%. This list does not discriminate against scholarly journals based on dishonest ad hominem attacks. The JSE is a general interest journal that attempts to "provide a professional forum for critical discussion of topics that are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science." This can include papers debating the scientific validity of controversial subjects like astrology (Fuzeau-Braesch and Denis 2007) but defining a journal based on cherry picking a single paper from it is disingenuous since by using this same "criteria" the JSE can just as easily be defined as a "debunking astrology journal" (McGrew and McFall 1990). Regardless, neither of these two papers on the list discuss astrology or any other controversial topic outside of climate change. While they (e.g. Deming 2005) have been cited in other scholarly journals referenced by the IPCC, such as Geophysical Research Letters (Huang et al. 2008), Public Understanding of Science (Jaspal and Nerlich 2014) and Science Communication (Jaspal et al. 2013).
Criticism: Some journals on the list are not indexed in a Thomson Reuters product.
Rebuttal: ESI (Essential Science Indicators), JCR (Journal Citation Reports), SCI (Science Citation Index) and WoS (Web of Science) are for-profit, commercial products of the multi-billion dollar Thomson Reuters corporation that indexes only 12,000 peer-reviewed journals (covering the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities) using a subjective inclusion process. Whether a journal is indexed by them is irrelevant to the peer-review status of the journal or the scientific validity of a paper. There are thousands of completely legitimate peer-reviewed journals that are not included by them but are with competitors. For instance, Elsevier's Scopus indexes over 21,000 peer-reviewed journals.
Criticism: Some journals on the list are not peer-reviewed.
Rebuttal: No paper is listed without first confirming the journal is peer-reviewed. With all journals that are challenged as to their peer-review status, further confirmation is done using bibliographic databases from EBSCO, Scopus and Thomson Reuters. This detailed information is provided in the Journal Notes following the list.
Criticism: Some journals on the list are trade journals.
Rebuttal: Trade journals are defined by Scopus as, "serial publications covering and intended to reach a specific industry, trade or type of business. These publications are usually a magazine type of periodical with articles on topical subjects, news items and advertisements that appeal to those in the field. Trade journals are seldom refereed and do not always have an editorial board. Abstracts are usually short or nonexistent and few or no references are given." There are no journals on the list that match this criteria or are indexed in a scientific bibliographic database as a trade journal.
Criticism: Some journals on the list do not use relevant reviewers.
Rebuttal: The criteria for reviewers is similar for all scholarly peer-reviewed journals. A journal's editor with assistance from the editorial board selects and recruits credentialed experts relevant to the subject matter of the paper being reviewed. It is common for reviewers to be academics at universities who volunteer their time for the advancement of science and in return receive a credential that is highly respected by the scientific community. Being independent volunteers, reviewers are not part of a journal's staff and can review for any journal.
Criticism: Some journals on the list have a low impact factor.
Rebuttal: Impact Factor is a subjectively devised determination of popularity not scientific validity, that is widely abused and manipulated. This list does not discriminate against journals based on unscientific popularity metrics.
Rebuttal: In over seven years, only one "co-author" (Russell Dickerson) has ever contacted the editor with any such demands and he was using strawman arguments ("Please remove this article from your list of skeptics.") about why his paper ["Climate Change: The Need to Consider Human Forcings Besides Greenhouse Gases"] was included, despite it clearly stating in the disclaimer - "This is a bibliographic resource for skeptics not a list of skeptics." It was not worth investing the time to defend the real reason for its inclusion, that it supports the skeptic argument for CO2 not being the sole dominant human forcing as the IPCC has argued so the paper was removed. The lead author of this paper, Roger Pielke Sr. never made any such demands and stated in an email to the editor that their paper argues against the IPCC. Roger Pielke Jr. has never contacted the editor requesting any papers be removed and various papers he authored, mainly relating to incorrect attribution of natural disasters are included on the list.
Rebuttal: While this is not a list of scientists, hundreds of papers on the list were authored by skeptics. The most prolific authors on the list are all highly credentialed skeptical scientists, such as; Sherwood B. Idso, Richard S. Lindzen, Patrick J. Michaels, John R. Christy, Roy W. Spencer, S. Fred Singer, Robert C. Balling Jr., Willie H. Soon, Ross McKitrick, Stephen McIntyre, Sallie L. Baliunas, Indur M. Goklany, David H. Douglas, Nils-Axel Morner, Paul C. Knappenberger, David R. Legates, Robert M. Carter, Chris de Freitas, Craig Loehle, Craig D. Idso, Olavi Karner, Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Nicola Scafetta, Nir J. Shaviv, Henrik Svensmark and many more including; Alan Carlin, Arthur B. Robinson, Arthur Rorsch, Don J. Easterbrook, François Gervais, Frederick Seitz, Garth W. Paltridge, Lee C. Gerhard, Timothy F. Ball, Vincent R. Gray, William M. Briggs and Freeman J. Dyson.
Rebuttal: Cherry picking the most prolific authors as representative of the entire list is misleading. ISI Highly Cited Researchers such as Sherwood B. Idso and Richard S. Lindzen will naturally be well represented on the list. While it had been independently verified by Needlebase that there were already over 1500 unique authors on the list in 2011 when it was only at 900+ papers.
Rebuttal: Intellectually dishonest individuals who are incapable of accepting the existence of scholarly papers contrary to their alarmist ideology have chosen to smear the highly credentialed scientists who authored these papers with libelous ad hominem attacks - falsely implying they are corrupt. No remote evidence has ever been presented that shows a skeptical scientist has changed their position on an issue due to a funding source. While honest investigations have shown these attacks to be baseless: Are Skeptical Scientists funded by ExxonMobil? The problem with the corruption argument is that it implies that scientists and researchers who rely primarily on public funding for their climate work are not motivated to tailor their research to the beliefs and policy views of their funding sources. Yet, policy analyses have shown that public funding of science may be susceptible to producing biased results. Regardless, to claim a largely uncoordinated grassroots movement of skeptical scientists are winning the debate against a highly organized climate monopoly that has received over $79 billion in funding because they were granted a paltry $2 million a year from companies like Exxon-Mobil is beyond laughable.
Rebuttal: There is no objective criteria that can be used to determine who is a "climate scientist". The field of climate science is a very broad discipline that includes scientists from a variety of backgrounds. Very few climate scientists have a Ph.D. in Climatology like skeptical scientist Dr. Patrick J. Michaels. Well known alarmist scientists such as NASA's Gavin Schmidt of RealClimate.org has a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Phil Jones the Director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of Climategate fame has a Ph.D. in Hydrology, IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri has a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Hockey Stick author Michael Mann has a Ph.D. in Geology.
Rebuttal: Just like the WGII and WGIII sections of the IPCC reports, peer-reviewed papers from social scientists and policy analysts are included in the list. These papers appear in the appropriate socio-economic sections (e.g. Socio-Economic) separate from the physical science sections on the list. The most prolific authors on the list are physical scientists such as ISI Highly Cited Researchers Sherwood B. Idso Ph.D. Research Scientist Emeritus, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory and Richard S. Lindzen Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science at MIT.
Rebuttal: It is explicitly stated in the disclaimer that, "The inclusion of a paper in this list does not imply a specific personal position to any of the authors. While certain authors on the list cannot be labeled skeptics (e.g. Harold Brooks, Roger Pielke Jr., Roger Pielke Sr.) their paper(s) or results from their paper(s) can still support skeptic's arguments against Alarmism. This is a bibliographic resource for skeptics not a list of skeptics."
Criticism: AGW hypothesis is never used by scientists.
Rebuttal: The phrase "AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) hypothesis" is used by scientists and can be found in the scholarly literature (e.g. Stern and Kaufmann 2000, Hertzberg 2009, Paterson 2011, Contescu 2012, Triacca et al. 2013 and Martin 2015).
Criticism: Alarmism is never used by scientists.
Rebuttal: The term "Alarmism" is used by scientists and can be found in the scholarly literature (e.g. Bradley Jr. 2000, Leiserowitz 2006, Risbey 2008, Salehyan 2008, Galam 2010, Paterson 2011, Lindzen 2012 and Legates et al. 2013).
Criticism: CAGW is never used by scientists.
Rebuttal: The term "CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming)" is used by scientists and can be found in the scholarly literature (e.g. Carlin 2011, Lindzen 2012, Van Kooten 2012, Nemeth 2014, Rose 2014 and Parker 2016) and is explicitly implied in the IPCC reports.
Criticism: DAGW is never used by scientists.
Rebuttal: The term "DAGW (Dangerous Anthropogenic Global Warming)" is used by scientists and can be found in the scholarly literature (e.g. Boehmer-Christiansen 2002, Kondratyev 2004, Hansen et al. 2005, Jankovic 2008, Schellnhuber 2010, Singer 2010 and Lee 2015).
Criticism: The editor is not qualified to compile the list.
Rebuttal: The editor's university education and later work with research scientists on scholarly peer-reviewed papers for topics such as environmental recycling, nuclear waste disposal and anthropogenic global warming is all the qualifications that are needed to compile a bibliographic resource like this. No specific climate science qualifications are needed since the papers are either written by a qualified skeptic (e.g. Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, Dr. John R. Christy), explicit to a skeptical position (e.g. "CO2-induced global warming: a skeptic's view of potential climate change"), or were already cited by and determined to be in support of a skeptic argument by highly credentialed scientists, such as Dr. Sherwood B. Idso Ph.D. Research Scientist Emeritus, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory at CO2 Science and Dr. Patrick J. Michaels Ph.D. Climatology at World Climate Report - not the editor. The editor has been acknowledged in the scholarly literature as usefully contributing to published papers on anthropogenic global warming.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net was named to be misleading.
Rebuttal: This is complete nonsense, using this argument would mean magazines like Popular Photography (est. 1937 by Ziff-Davis publishing) were named to be misleading which is obviously ridiculous. The website was named out of the editor's love of technology and as an homage to some of his long-time favorite magazines - Popular Science and Popular Mechanics.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a conspiracy theorist website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as we have resources challenging 911, JFK and Moon Landing conspiracy theories.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a creationist website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as the editors all support evolution theory but unlike extremists we respect individual's religious views and their right to hold them.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a right-wing website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as the editors are politically independent.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a "denier" website.
Rebuttal: This is a reprehensible smear, as we believe the Holocaust happened and nothing like it should ever happen again.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a climate "denier" website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as we believe there is such a thing as a climate.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a climate change "denier" website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as we believe the climate changes.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a global warming "denier" website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as we believe there has been a global temperature increase of a fraction of a degree since the end of the little ice age.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is a science "denier" website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as we believe in the study and knowledge of the physical world and its behavior that is based on experiments and facts that can be proved known as science.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is an AGW "denier" website.
Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem, as we believe there is a scientific hypothesis called anthropogenic global warming (AGW).
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is not a scholarly journal.
Rebuttal: Bibliographic resources that index academic work are not published in scholarly journals but rather by privately held companies. The most well known are published by multi-billion dollar for-profit corporations (e.g. Elsevier, Thomson Reuters). Popular Technology.net however is a not-for-profit organization and thus not biased towards financial gain.
Criticism: Popular Technology.net is not cited, referenced or taken seriously.
Rebuttal: Popular Technology.net is a highly cited website referenced by over 300 independent sources throughout more than 25 countries in books and scholarly peer-reviewed journals, by major and regional news media, public policy organizations and think tanks, political institutions, on radio and by the technology community.
Highlights: (A sample selection of papers from the list)
Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions? (PDF) - Archive
(Euresis Journal, Volume 2, pp. 161-192, March 2012)
- Richard S. Lindzen
Can increasing carbon dioxide cause climate change? (PDF)
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 94, Number 16, pp. 8335-8342, August 1997)
- Richard S. Lindzen
CO2-induced global warming: a skeptic's view of potential climate change (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 10, Number 1, pp. 69-82, April 1998)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Celestial driver of Phanerozoic climate? (PDF)
(GSA Today, Volume 13, Issue 7, pp. 4-10, July 2003)
- Nir J. Shaviv, Jan Veizer
The M&M Critique of the MBH98 Northern Hemisphere Climate Index: Update and Implications (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 69-100, January 2005)
- Stephen McIntyre, Ross McKitrick
Cosmoclimatology: a new theory emerges (PDF)
(Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp. 1.18-1.24, February 2007)
- Henrik Svensmark
Implications of the Secondary Role of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Forcing in Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future (PDF)
(Physical Geography, Volume 28, Number 2, pp. 97-125, March 2007)
- Willie H. Soon
A comparison of tropical temperature trends with model predictions (PDF)
(International Journal of Climatology, Volume 28, Issue 13, pp. 1693-1701, December 2007)
- David H. Douglass, John R. Christy, Benjamin D. Pearson, S. Fred Singer
Recent Changes in the Climate: Natural or Forced by Human Activity - (PDF)
(Ambio, Volume 37, Number sp14, pp. 483–488, November 2008)
- Wibjorn Karlen
Empirical evidence for a celestial origin of the climate oscillations and its implications (PDF)
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 72, Issue 13, pp. 951-970, August 2010)
- Nicola Scafetta
What Do Observational Datasets Say about Modeled Tropospheric Temperature Trends since 1979? (PDF)
(Remote Sensing, Volume 2, Issue 9, pp. 2148-2169, September 2010)
- John R. Christy, Benjamin Herman, Roger Pielke Sr., Philip Klotzbach, Richard T. McNider, Justin J. Hnilo, Roy W. Spencer, Thomas Chase, David Douglass
On the recovery from the Little Ice Age (PDF)
(Natural Science, Volume 2, Number 7, pp. 1211-1224, November 2010)
- Syun-Ichi Akasofu
A statistical analysis of multiple temperature proxies: Are reconstructions of surface temperatures over the last 1000 years reliable? (PDF)
(Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 5-44, March 2011)
- Blakeley B. McShane, Abraham J. Wyner
Lack of Consistency Between Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 22, Number 4, pp. 375-406, June 2011)
- S. Fred Singer
On the Observational Determination of Climate Sensitivity and Its Implications (PDF)
(Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 47, Number 4, pp. 377-390, August 2011)
- Richard S. Lindzen, Yong-Sang Choi
Modern Environmentalism: A Longer Term Threat to Western Civilization
(Energy & Environment, Volume 24, Number 6, pp. 1063-1072, October 2013)
- Alan Carlin
Tiny warming of residual anthropogenic CO2
(International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 28, Issue 13, pp. 1-20, May 2014)
- François Gervais
Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the literature: A re-analysis (PDF)
(Energy Policy, Volume 73, pp. 701-705, October 2014)
- Richard S. J. Tol
Why models run hot: results from an irreducibly simple climate model
(Science Bulletin, Volume 60, Issue 1, pp. 122-135, January 2015)
- Christopher Monckton, Willie H. Soon, David R. Legates, William M. Briggs
* Keeping it simple: the value of an irreducibly simple climate model
(Science Bulletin, Volume 60, Issue 15, pp. 1378–1390, August 2015)
- Christopher Monckton, Willie H. Soon, David R. Legates, William M. Briggs
Anthropogenic CO2 warming challenged by 60-year cycle (PDF)
(Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 155, pp. 129–135, April 2016)
- François Gervais
The Climatological Significance of a Doubling of Earth's Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration
(Science, Volume 207, Issue 4438, pp. 1462-1463, March 1980)
- Sherwood B. Idso
A surface air temperature response function for earth's atmosphere
(Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 227-232, February 1982)
- Sherwoord B. Idso
The Role of Convective Model Choice in Calculating the Climate Impact of Doubling CO2 (PDF)
(Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 39, Issue 6, pp. 1189–1205, June 1982)
- Richard S. Lindzen, A. Y. Hou, B. F. Farrell
Long-term stabilization of earth's surface air temperature by a negative feedback mechanism
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 31, Number 3, pp. 211-219, August 1982)
- Sherwood B. Idso
CO2 and climate: Where is the water vapor feedback?
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 31, Number 4, pp. 325-329, October 1982)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Temperature limitation by evaporation in hot climates and the greenhouse effects of water vapor and carbon dioxide
(Agricultural Meteorology, Volume 27, Issues 1-2, pp. 105-109, November 1982)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Carbon Dioxide and Global Temperature: What the Data Show
(Journal of Environmental Quality, Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 159-163, 1983)
- Sherwood B. Idso
On the magnitude of the CO2 greenhouse effect
(Applied Energy, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 227-232, 1983)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Do increases in atmospheric CO2 have a cooling effect on surface air temperature? (PDF)
(Climatological Bulletin, Volume 17, Number 2, pp. 22-26, October 1983)
- Sherwood B. Idso
* The Impetus for CO2-Induced Climatic Change: A Reply to Comments of Dr. Kevin Hamilton (PDF)
(Climatological Bulletin, Volume 18, Number 1, pp. 37-39, April 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Shortcomings of CO2-climate models raise questions about the wisdom of energy policy implications
(Applied Energy, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp. 53-57, 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
The climatic effect of co2: A different view
(Atmospheric Environment, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 431-434, 1984)
- Hugh W. Ellsaesser
An empirical evaluation of earth’s surface air temperature response to radiative forcing, including feedback, as applied to the CO2-climate problem
(Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, pp. 1-19, March 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Case for Carbon Dioxide
(Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 27, Number 3, pp. 19-22, May/June 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
What if increases in atmospheric CO2 have an inverse greenhouse effect? I. Energy balance considerations related to surface albedo
(International Journal of Climatology, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 399-409, July 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Is There a Greenhouse in Our Future?
(The Quarterly Review of Biology, Volume 59, Number 3, pp. 291-294, September 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
The CO2 Climate Controversy: An Issue of Global Concern
(New Zealand Geographer, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 110-112, October 1984)
- Sherwood B. Idso
The Search for Global CO2 etc. 'Greenhouse Effects'
(Environmental Conservation, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 29-35, March 1985)
- Sherwood B. Idso
An upper limit to global surface air temperature
(Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Volume 34, Number 2, pp. 141-144, June 1985)
- Sherwood B. Idso
The value of climate forecasting
(Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 7, Number 3, pp. 273-290, June 1985)
- Garth W. Paltridge
Global climatic trends as revealed by the recorded data
(Reviews of Geophysics, Volume 24, Number 4, pp. 745-794, November 1986)
- Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Michael C. MacCracken, John J. Walton, Stanley L. Grotch
The CO2/trace gas greenhouse effect: theory versus reality
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 38, Number 1, pp. 55-56, March 1987)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Carbon dioxide and climate in the Vostok ice core
(Atmospheric Environment, Volume 22, Issue 10, pp. 2341-2342, 1988)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Greenhouse warming or Little Ice Age demise: A critical problem for climatology
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 39, Number 1, pp. 54-56, March 1988)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Anthropogenic Warming in North Alaska?
(Journal of Climate, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp. 942–945, September 1988)
- Patrick J. Michaels, David E. Sappington, David E. Stooksbury
The CO2 greenhouse effect on Mars, Earth, and Venus
(Science of the Total Environment, Volume 77, Issue 2-3, pp. 291-294, December 1988)
- Sherwood B. Idso
The search for CO2/trace gas greenhouse warming
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 40, Issue 1-2, pp. 101-102, March 1989)
- Sherwood B. Idso, John F. B. Mitchell
A tale of ten fallacies: The skeptical enquirer's view of the carbon dioxide/climate controversy
(Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 47, Issues 2–4, pp. 349-371, September 1989)
- William E. Reifsnyder
An upper limit to the greenhouse effect of Earth's atmosphere
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 40, Number 3, pp. 171-174, September 1989)
- Sherwood B. Idso
On the stability of Earth's climate
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 39, Number 3, pp. 177-178, September 1989)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Use of time series analysis to detect climatic change
(Journal of Hydrology, Volume 111, Issues 1-4, pp. 259-279, November 1989)
- Geoff Kite
Upper ocean temperature variability in the northeast Pacific Ocean: Is it an indicator of global warming?
(Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 94, Issue C12, pp. 18175-18183, December 1989)
- Thomas C. Royer
A different view of the climatic effect of CO2 - Updated
(Atmosfera, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 3-29, 1990)
- Hugh W. Ellsaesser
Atmospheric greenhouse effect in the earth's history
(Doklady Earth Sciences, Volume 315, Number 6, pp. 40-45, 1990)
- O. G. Sorokhtin
Is recent climate change across the United States related to rising levels of anthropogenic greenhouse gases?
(Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Volume 95, Issue D10, pp. 16617–16637, January 1990)
- Marc S. Plantico, Thomas R. Karl, George Kukla, Joyce Gavin
Some Coolness Concerning Global Warming (PDF)
(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 288–299, March 1990)
- Richard S. Lindzen
The greenhouse effect and global change: review and reappraisal
(International Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, pp. 55-71, July 1990)
- Patrick J. Michaels
New assessments of global climate change
(Atmosfera, Volume 4, Number 3, pp. 177-188, 1991)
- Kirill Ya. Kondratyev
What do climate models tell us about global warming?
(Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 135, Number 1, pp. 125-133, January 1991)
- Christopher Essex
Surface air temperature response to increasing global industrial productivity: A beneficial greenhouse effect?
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 44, Number 1, pp. 37-41, March 1991)
- Sherwood B. Idso, Robert C. Balling Jr.
Carbon dioxide and the fate of Earth
(Global Environmental Change, Volume 1, Number 3, pp. 178-182, June 1991)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Global Warming as a Manifestation of a Random Walk
(Journal of Climate, Volume 4, Issue 6, pp. 589-597, June 1991)
- A. H. Gordon
Overlooked scientific issues in assessing hypothesized greenhouse gas warming (PDF)
(Environmental Software, Volume 6, Number 2, pp. 100-107, June 1991)
- Roger A. Pielke Sr.
Evaluating the climatic effect of doubling atmospheric CO2 via an analysis of Earth's historical temperature record
(Science of The Total Environment, Volume 106, Issue 3, pp. 239-242, July 1991)
- Sherwood B. Idso, Robert C. Balling Jr.
The Aerial Fertilization Effect of CO2 and Its Implications for Global Carbon Cycling and Maximum Greenhouse Warming
(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 72, Issue 7, pp. 962-965, July 1991)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Global warming: What does the science tell us?
(Energy, Volume 16, Issues 11-12, pp. 1331-1345, November-December 1991)
- Robert Jastrow, William Nierenberg, Frederick Seitz
Ancient atmospheric C02 pressures inferred from natural goethites
(Nature, Volume 355, Number 6385, pp. 342-344, January 1992)
- J. Crayton Yapp, Harald Poths
US temperature/precipitation relationships: implications for future 'greenhouse' climates
(Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 58, Issues 1–2, pp. 143–147, March 1992)
- Sherwood B. Idso, Robert C. Balling Jr.
Atmospheric CO2 and global warming: a critical review (PDF)
(Norwegian Polar Institute Letters, Volume 119, May 1992)
- Zbigniew Jaworowski, Tom V. Segalstad, V. Hisdal
Keeping cool on global warming
(The Electricity Journal, Volume 5, Issue 6, pp. 32-41, July 1992)
- Frederick Seitz et al.
Do glaciers tell a true atmospheric CO2 story? (PDF)
(Science of the Total Environment, Volume 114, pp. 227-284, August 1992)
- Zbigniew Jaworowski, Tom V. Segalstad, N. Ono
The DMS-cloud albedo feedback effect: Greatly underestimated?
(Climatic Change, Volume 21, Number 4, pp. 429-433, August 1992)
- Sherwood B. Idso
Global Warming: A Reduced Threat?
(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 73, Issue 10, pp. 1563–1577, October 1992)
- Patrick J. Michaels, David E. Stooksbury
Anthropo-generated Climate Change in Europe
(Environmental Conservation, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp. 349-353, December 1992)
- Robert C. Balling Jr., Sherwood B. Idso
Climatic change in Britain: Is SO2 more significant than CO2?
(Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 251-256, December 1992)
- Robert C. Balling Jr., Sherwood B. Idso
Simulating Past and Forecasting Future Climates
(Environmental Conservation, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 339-346, 1993)
- Reid A. Bryson
Water vapor feedback and the ice age snowline record (PDF)
(Annales Geophysicae, Volume 11, Number 2-3, pp. 204-215, March 1993)
- De-Zheng Sun, Richard S. Lindzen
Distribution of Tropical Tropospheric Water Vapor (PDF)
(Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 50, Issue 12, pp. 1643-1660, June 1993)
- De-Zheng Sun, Richard S. Lindzen
A dissenting view on global climate change
(The Electricity Journal, Volume 6, Issue 6, pp. 62-69, July 1993)
- Henry R. Linden
Analysing Hydrometeorological Time Series for Evidence of Climatic Change (PDF)
(Nordic Hydrology, Volume 24, Number 2-3, pp. 135–150, August 1993)
- Geoff Kite
Review and impacts of climate change uncertainties
(Futures, Volume 25, Number 8, pp. 850-863, October 1993)
- M. E. Fernau, W. J. Makofske, D. W. South
Atmospheric CO2 residence time and the carbon cycle
(Energy, Volume 18, Issue 12, pp. 1297-1310, December 1993)
- Chauncey Starr
Temperature dependence of silicate weathering in nature: How strong a negative feedback on long-term accumulation of atmospheric CO2 and global greenhouse warming? (PDF)
(Geology, Volume 21, Issue 12, pp. 1059, December 1993)
- Michael Anthony Velbel
On the scientific basis for global warming scenarios (PDF)
(Environmental Pollution, Volume 83, Issues 1–2, pp. 125–134, 1994)
- Richard S. Lindzen
Climate Dynamics and Global Change
(Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 26, pp. 353-378, January 1994)
- Richard S. Lindzen
Science does not support consensus' on climate change
(The Electricity Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 78-85, February 1994)
- Henry R. Linden
A Critical Appraisal of the Global Warming Debate
(New Zealand Geographer, Volume 50, Issue 1, pp. 30-32, April 1994)
- C. R. de Freitas
Interpreting the Global Temperature Record
(Economic Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 18-21, April 1994)
- Robert C. Balling Jr.
Ancient atmosphere- Validity of ice records
(Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 1, Number 3, September 1994)
- Zbigniew Jaworowski
Global Warming or Little Ice Age?
(Journal of Coastal Research, Issue 17, pp. 371-382, 1995)
- Theodor Landscheidt
Atmospheric greenhouse effect in the context of global climate change
(Il Nuovo Cimento C, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 123-151, March 1995)
- K. Ya. Kondratyev, C. Varotsos
The roles of carbon dioxide and water vapour in warming and cooling the earth's troposphere
(Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 51, Issue 3, pp. 415-417, March 1995)
- Jack Barrett
* Reply to comments by Sir John Houghton and Keith P. Shine on "The roles of carbon dioxide and water vapour in warming and cooling the Earth's troposphere" J. Barrett, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 51 (3) (1995) 415
(Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 51, Issue 8, pp. 1395, July 1995)
- Jack Barrett
* Reply to Comment on "The role of carbon dioxide and water vapour in climate"
(Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Volume 52, Issue 11, pp. 1567-1568, October 1996)
- Jack Barrett
Predicted and observed long night and day temperature trends (PDF)
(Atmospheric Research, Volume 37, Issues 1-3, pp. 257–266, July 1995)
- Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger, D. A. Gay
Earth rotation, ocean circulation and paleoclimate
(GeoJournal, Volume 37, Number 4, pp. 419-430, December 1995)
- Nils-Axel Morner
Global Temperature Deviations as a Random Walk
(Journal of Climate, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 656–658, March 1996)
- Olavi Karner
Observed changes in the diurnal temperature and dewpoint cycles across the United States (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 23, Number 19, pp. 2637–2640, September 1996)
- Paul C. Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels, Peter D. Schwartzman
"The Wernerian syndrome"; aspects of global climate change; an analysis of assumptions, data, and conclusions
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- Lee C. Gerhard
Why Carbon Dioxide Emissions Should Not Be Limited (PDF)
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- Roy W. Spencer, William D. Braswell
Time scales and trends in the central England temperature data (1659–1990): A wavelet analysis
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 24, Number 11, pp. 1351-1354, June 1997)
- Sallie Baliunas, Peter Frick, Dmitry Sokoloff, Willie Soon
CO2 and Climate: a Geologist's View (PDF)
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- Harry N. A. Priem
Can increasing carbon dioxide cause climate change? (PDF)
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- Richard S. Lindzen
The continuing search for an anthropogenic climate change signal: Limitations of correlation-based approaches
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- David R. Legates, Robert E. Davis
On the climatic implications of volcanic cooling (PDF)
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- Richard S. Lindzen, Constantine Giannitsis
Analysis of trends in the variability of daily and monthly historical temperature measurements (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 10, Number 1, pp. 27-33, April 1998)
- Patrick J. Michaels, Robert C. Balling Jr., Russell S. Vose, Paul C. Knappenberger
Climate Variations and the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
(Ambio, Volume 27, Number 4, pp. 270-274, June 1998)
- Wibjorn Karlen
Analysis of long-term European temperature records: 1751-1995 (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 10, Number 3, pp. 193-200, December 1998)
- R. C. Balling Jr, R. S. Vose, Gerd-Rainer Weber
Climate Chaotic Instability: Statistical Determination and Theoretical Background
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- Raymond Sneyers
Climate Prediction as an Initial Value Problem (PDF)
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- Roger A. Pielke Sr.
Natural variability in an-ocean-atmosphere climate model
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- Eric S. Posmentier, Willie H. Soon, Sallie L. Baliunas
The carbon dioxide thermometer and the cause of global warming
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- Nigel Calder
Human Contribution to Climate Change Remains Questionable (PDF)
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- S. Fred Singer
Rate and Magnitude of Past Global Climate Changes
(Environmental Geosciences, Volume 6, Number 2, pp. 63-75, June 1999)
- John P. Bluemle, Joseph M. Sabel, Wibjorn Karlen
Geologic Constraints on Global Climate Variability
(Environmental Geosciences, Volume 6, Issue 3, page 152, September 1999)
- Lee C. Gerhard
Climate change in the Arctic and its empirical diagnostics
(Energy & Environment, Volume 10, Number 5, pp. 469-482, September 1999)
- V. V. Adamenko, K. Y. Kondratyev, C. A. Varotsos
An assessment of validation experiments conducted on computer models of global climate using the general circulation model of the UK's Hadley Centre
(Energy & Environment, Volume 10, Number 5, pp. 491-502, September 1999)
- Richard S. Courtney
Evidence Delimiting Past Global Climate Changes
(Environmental Geosciences, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 151, September 1999)
- John P. Bluemle, Joseph M. Sabel, Wibjorn Karlen
Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 13, Number 2, pp. 149–164, October 1999)
- Willie H. Soon, Sallie L. Baliunas, Arthur B. Robinson, Zachary W. Robinson
Observed warming in cold anticyclones (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 1–6, January 2000)
- Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger, Robert C. Balling Jr., Robert E. Davis
Natural signals in the MSU lower tropospheric temperature record
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 27, Number 18, pp. 2905–2908, September 2000)
- Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger
The cause of global warming (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 11, Number 6, pp. 613-629, November 2000)
- Vincent Gray
Evidence for decoupling of atmospheric CO2 and global climate during the Phanerozoic eon
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- Jan Veizer, Yves Godderis, Louis M. François
Reviewing the Uncertainties in Climate Change Science
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- Greg O'Hare
Differential trends in tropical sea surface and atmospheric temperatures since 1979
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 28, Number 1, pp. 183–186, January 2001)
- John R. Christy, D.E. Parker, S.J. Brown, I. Macadam, M. Stendel, William B. Norris
Vertical correlations of water vapor in GCMs (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 28, Number 2, pp. 259–262, January 2001)
- De-Zheng Sun, Curt Covey, Richard S. Lindzen
Sources of global warming in upper ocean temperature during El Nino
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- Warren B. White et al.
Does CO2 really drive global warming? (PDF)
(Chemical Innovation, Volume 31, Number 5, pp. 44-46, May 2001)
- Robert H. Essenhigh
A sceptical view of climate change and water resources planning
(Irrigation and Drainage, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp. 221-226, July 2001)
- Geoff Kite
Is the enhancement of global warming important?
(Energy & Environment, Volume 12, Number 4, pp. 335-341, July 2001)
- M. C. R. Symons, Jack Barrett
Nature of observed temperature changes across the United States during the 20th century (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 45–53, July 2001)
- Paul C. Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels, Robert E. Davis
Is the additional greenhouse effect already evident in the current climate?
(Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Volume 371, Number 6, pp. 791-797, November 2001)
- E. Raschke
Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: unknowns and uncertainties (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 18, Number 3, pp. 259–275, November 2001)
- Willie H. Soon, Sallie L. Baliunas, Sherwood B. Idso, Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, Eric S. Posmentier
* Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: unknowns and uncertainties. Reply to Risbey (2002) (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 187–188, September 2002)
- Willie H. Soon, Sallie L. Baliunas, Sherwood B. Idso, Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, Eric S. Posmentier
* Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: unknowns and uncertainties. Reply to Karoly et al. (2003) (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 24, Number 1, pp. 93–94, June 2003)
- Willie H. Soon, Sallie L. Baliunas, Sherwood B. Idso, Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, Eric S. Posmentier
Do deep ocean temperature records verify models? (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 29, Number 8, April 2002)
- Richard S. Lindzen
Problems in evaluating regional and local trends in temperature: an example from eastern Colorado, USA (PDF)
(International Journal of Climatology, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 421-434, April 2002)
- Roger A. Pielke Sr. et al.
When Was The Hottest Summer? A State Climatologist Struggles for an Answer
(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 83, Issue 5, pp. 723-734, May 2002)
- John R. Christy
Are observed changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere really dangerous? (PDF)
(Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Volume 50, Number 2, pp. 297-327, June 2002)
- C. R. de Freitas
Reconciling observations of global temperature change (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 29, Issue 12, pp. 24-1, June 2002)
- Richard S. Lindzen, Constantine Giannitsis
Global Climate Models Violate Scaling of the Observed Atmospheric Variability (PDF)
(Physical Review Letters, Volume 89, Number 2, July 2002)
- R. B. Govindan et al.
Statistical analysis does not support a human influence on climate
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- S. Fred Singer
On nonstationarity and antipersistency in global temperature series (PDF)
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 107, Issue D20, October 2002)
- Olavi Karner
A multifractal point of view on climatological evolution
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Phanerozoic Climatic Zones and Paleogeography with a Consideration of Atmospheric CO2 Levels
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- A. J. Boucot et al.
Global Warming: Are We Confusing Cause and Effect?
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- Leonid F. Khilyuk
Climate Change - A Natural Hazard (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 2-3, pp. 215-232, May 2003)
- William Kininmonth
Global Warming: Myth or Reality? The Actual Evolution of the Weather Dynamics
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 2-3, pp. 297-322, May 2003)
- Marcel Leroux
New Little Ice Age Instead of Global Warming? (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 2-3, pp. 327-350, May 2003)
- Theodor Landscheidt
The "Greenhouse Effect" as a Function of Atmospheric Mass
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 2-3, pp. 351-356, May 2003)
- Hans Jelbring
Test for harmful collinearity among predictor variables used in modeling global temperature (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 24, Number 1, pp. 15-18, June 2003)
- David H. Douglass, B. David Clader, John R. Christy, Patrick J. Michaels, David A. Belsley
Global Warming (PDF)
(Progress in Physical Geography, Volume 27, Number 3, pp. 448-455, September 2003)
- Willie H. Soon, Sallie L. Baliunas
On the Coherence between Dynamics of the World Fuel Consumption and Global Temperature Anomaly (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 6, pp. 773-782, November 2003)
- L. B. Klyashtorin, A. A. Lyubushin
Likelihood of Rapidly Increasing Surface Temperatures Unaccompanied by Strong Warming in the Free Troposphere (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 25, Number 3, pp. 185-190, January 2004)
- T. N. Chase, Roger A. Pielke Sr., B. Herman, X. Zeng
Climate change: detection and attribution of trends from long-term geologic data
(Ecological Modelling, Volume 171, Issue 4, pp. 433-450, February 2004)
- Craig Loehle
Estimation and representation of long-term (>40 year) trends of Northern-Hemisphere-gridded surface temperature: A note of caution (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 3, February 2004)
- Willie H. Soon, David R. Legates, Sallie L. Baliunas
Industrial CO2 emissions as a proxy for anthropogenic influence on lower tropospheric temperature trends (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 5, March 2004)
- A. T. J. de Laat, A. N. Maurellis
A test of corrections for extraneous signals in gridded surface temperature data (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 26, Number 2, pp. 159-173, May 2004)
- Ross McKitrick, Patrick J. Michaels
* Are temperature trends affected by economic activity? Reply to Benestad (2004) (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 175–176, October 2004)
- Ross McKitrick, Patrick J. Michaels
* A test of corrections for extraneous signals in gridded surface temperature data: Erratum (PDF)
(Climate Research, Volume 27, Number 3, pp. 265-268, December 2004)
- Ross McKitrick, Patrick J. Michaels
Altitude dependence of atmospheric temperature trends: Climate models versus observation (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 13, July 2004)
- David H. Douglass, Benjamin D. Pearson, S. Fred Singer
Disparity of tropospheric and surface temperature trends: New evidence (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 13, July 2004)
- David H. Douglass, Benjamin D. Pearson, S. Fred Singer, Paul C. Knappenberger, Patrick J. Michaels
Key Aspects of Global Climate Change
(Energy & Environment, Volume 15, Number 3, pp. 469-503, July 2004)
- K. Y. Kondratyev
Nonlinearities, Feedbacks and Critical Thresholds within the Earth's Climate System (PDF)
(Climatic Change, Volume 65, Number 1-2, pp. 11-38, July 2004)
- Jose A. Rial et al.
Water in the Atmosphere (PDF)
(Journal of Chemical Education, Volume 81, Issue 8, pp. 1229, August 2004)
- Joel M. Kauffman
Climate change: Conflict of observational science, theory, and politics (PDF)
(AAPG Bulletin, Volume 88, Number 9, pp. 1211-1220, September 2004)
- Lee C. Gerhard
* Climate change: Conflict of observational science, theory, and politics: Reply
(AAPG Bulletin, Volume 90, Number 3, pp. 409-412, March 2006)
- Lee C. Gerhard
Global warming and long-term climatic changes: a progress report (PDF)
(Environmental Geology, Volume 46, Issue 6-7, pp. 970-979, October 2004)
- L. F. Khilyuk, G. V. Chilingar
Global Warming and the Accumulation of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 101-126, January 2005)
- Arthur Rorsch, Richard S. Courtney, Dick Thoenes
Iceland as a heat island (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 3, February 2005)
- David H. Douglass, V. Patel, Robert S. Knox
* Reply to comments by H. Bjornsson et al. on "Iceland as a heat island" (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 24, December 2005)
- David H. Douglass, V. Patel, Robert S. Knox
Climate forcing by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 5, March 2005)
- David H. Douglass, Robert S. Knox
* Reply to comment by A. Robock on "Climate forcing by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo" (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 20, October 2005)
- David H. Douglass, Robert S. Knox
* Reply to comment by T. M. L. Wigley et al. on "Climate forcing by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo" (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 20, October 2005)
- David H. Douglass, Robert S. Knox
Global warming and the mining of oceanic methane hydrate
(Topics in Catalysis, Volume 32, Issue 3-4, pp. 95-99, March 2005)
- Chung-Chieng Lai, David Dietrich, Malcolm Bowman
The Interaction of Climate Change and the Carbon Dioxide Cycle
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 2, pp. 217-238, March 2005)
- Arthur Rorsch, Richard S. Courtney, Dick Thoenes
Discussions on Climate Change as Presented in Nature, 2004
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 2, pp. 335-348, March 2005)
- Jack Barrett
Expected halt in the current global warming trend?
(Renewable Energy, Volume 30, Issue 5, pp. 743–752, April 2005)
- Ernest C. Njau
Some examples of negative feedback in the Earth climate system (PDF)
(Central European Journal of Physics, Volume 3, Number 2, June 2005)
- Olavi Karner
The Global Warming Debate: A Review of the State of Science (PDF)
(Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 162, Issue 8-9, pp. 1557-1586, August 2005)
- Madhav L. Khandekar, T. S. Murty, P. Chittibabu
Greenhouse molecules, their spectra and function in the atmosphere (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 6, pp. 1037-1045, November 2005)
- Jack Barrett
Nature's style: Naturally trendy (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 23, December 2005)
- Timothy A. Cohn, Harry F. Lins
Seductive Simulations? Uncertainty Distribution Around Climate Models (PDF)
(Social Studies of Science, Volume 35, Number 6, pp. 895-922, December 2005)
- Myanna Lahsen
Global climate changes: Antidogmatron (PDF)
(Geographica Pannonica, Volume 10, pp. 9-13, 2006)
- Milan Radovanovic, Mirceta Vemic, Ivan Popovic
Methodology and Results of Calculating Central California Surface Temperature Trends: Evidence of Human-Induced Climate Change? (PDF)
(Journal of Climate, Volume 19, Issue 4, February 2006)
- John R. Christy, William B. Norris, K. Redmond, K. Gallo
* Reply to Comments on "Methodology and Results of Calculating Central California Surface Temperature Trends: Evidence of Human-Induced Climate Change?"
(Journal of Climate, Volume 20, Issue 7, September 2007)
- John R. Christy, William B. Norris, K. Gallo
Prediction of the Standard Atmosphere Profiles of Temperature, Pressure, and Density with Height for the Lower Atmosphere by Solution of the (S−S) Integral Equations of Transfer and Evaluation of the Potential for Profile Perturbation by Combustion Emissions
(Energy Fuels, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 1057-1067, May 2006)
- Robert H. Essenhigh
On the sensitivity of the atmosphere to the doubling of the carbon dioxide concentration and on water vapour feedback
(Energy & Environment, Volume 17, Number 4, pp. 603-607, July 2006)
- Jack Barrett, David Bellamy, Heinz Hug
On global forces of nature driving the Earth's climate. Are humans involved?
(Environmental Geology, Volume 50, Number 6, pp. 899-910, August 2006)
- L. F. Khilyuk, G. V. Chilingar
* Response to W. Aeschbach-Hertig rebuttal of "On global forces of nature driving the Earth’s climate. Are humans involved?" by L. F. Khilyuk and G. V. Chilingar
(Environmental Geology, Volume 54, Number 7, pp. 1567-1572, June 2008)
- L. F. Khilyuk, G. V. Chilingar
Conflicting Signals of Climatic Change in the Upper Indus Basin (PDF)
(Journal of Climate, Volume 19, Issue 17, pp. 4276–4293, September 2006)
- H. J. Fowler, D. R. Archer
Uncertainties in assessing global warming during the 20th century: disagreement between key data sources
(Energy & Environment, Volume 17, Number 5, pp. 685-706, September 2006)
- Maxim Ogurtsov, Markus Lindholm
Temperature trends in the lower atmosphere (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 17, Number 5, pp. 707-714, September 2006)
- Vincent Gray
Thermocline flux exchange during the Pinatubo event (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 33, Issue 19, October 2006)
- D. H. Douglass, R. S. Knox, B. D. Pearson, A. Clark Jr
Climate Change Reexamined (PDF)
(Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 21, Number 4, pp. 723–749, 2007)
- Joel M. Kauffman
Are there connections between the Earth's magnetic field and climate? (PDF)
(Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 253, Issues 3-4, pp. 328-339, January 2007)
- Vincent Courtillot et al.
* Response to comment on "Are there connections between Earth's magnetic field and climate?, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 253, 328–339, 2007" by Bard, E., and Delaygue, M., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., in press, 2007 (PDF)
(Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 265, Issues 1-2, pp. 308-311, January 2008)
- Vincent Courtillot et al.
Multi-scale analysis of global temperature changes and trend of a drop in temperature in the next 20 years (PDF)
(Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Volume 95, January 2007)
- Lin Zhen-Shan, Sun Xian
Greenhouse effect in semi-transparent planetary atmospheres (PDF)
(Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, Volume 111, Number 1, pp. 1-40, January-March 2007)
- Ferenc M. Miskolczi
Does a Global Temperature Exist? (PDF)
(Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 1–27, February 2007)
- Christopher Essex, Ross McKitrick, Bjarne Andresen
180 years of atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 2, pp. 259-282, March 2007)
- Ernst-Georg Beck
* Comments on "180 years of Atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods" (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 5, pp. 641-646, September 2007)
- Ernst-Georg Beck
Climate Change is Nothing New! (PDF)
(New Concepts In Global Tectonics, Number 42, pp. 3-17, March 2007)
- Lance Endersbee
Implications of the Secondary Role of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Forcing in Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future (PDF)
(Physical Geography, Volume 28, Number 2, pp. 97-125, March 2007)
- Willie H. Soon
Climate stability: an inconvenient proof
(Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering, Volume 160, Issue 2, pp. 66-72, May 2007)
- David Bellamy, Jack Barrett
Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (PDF)
(Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 12, Number 3, pp. 79-90, Fall 2007)
- Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson, Willie H. Soon
Climate outlook to 2030 (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 5, pp. 615-619, September 2007)
- David C. Archibald
On a possibility of estimating the feedback sign of the Earth climate system (PDF)
(Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Engineering, Volume 13, Number 3, pp. 260-268, September 2007)
- Olavi Karner
Formulations of human-induced variations in global temperature (PDF)
(Renewable Energy, Volume 32, Issue 13, pp. 2211–2222, October 2007)
- Ernest C. Njau
Evolution of the Earth's Global Climate
(Energy Sources, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp. 1-19, November 2007)
- O. G. Sorokhtin, G. V. Chilingar, L. F. Khilyuk, M. V. Gorfunkel
A comparison of tropical temperature trends with model predictions (PDF)
(International Journal of Climatology, Volume 28, Issue 13, pp. 1693-1701, December 2007)
- David H. Douglass, John R. Christy, Benjamin D. Pearson, S. Fred Singer
* Addendum to A comparison of tropical temperature trends with model Predictions (PDF)
(Submitted to the International Journal of Climatology, 2007)
- David H. Douglass, John R. Christy, Benjamin D. Pearson, S. Fred Singer
* An updated comparison of model ensemble and observed temperature trends in the tropical troposphere (PDF)
(Submitted to the International Journal of Climatology, 2009)
- Stephen McIntyre, Ross McKitrick
Global Warming: Forecasts by Scientists Versus Scientific Forecasts (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 7-8, pp. 997-1021, December 2007)
- Kesten C. Green, J. Scott Armstrong
Limits on climate sensitivity derived from recent satellite and surface observations (PDF)
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 112, Issue D24, December 2007)
- Petr Chylek et al.
Quantifying the influence of anthropogenic surface processes and inhomogeneities on gridded global climate data (PDF)
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 112, Issue D24, December 2007)
- Ross R. McKitrick, Patrick J. Michaels
Taking GreenHouse Warming Seriously (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 7-8, pp. 937-950, December 2007)
- Richard S. Lindzen
The Fraud Allegation Against Some Climatic Research of Wei-Chyung Wang (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 7-8, pp. 985-995, December 2007)
- Douglas J. Keenan
Temporal Variability in Local Air Temperature Series Shows Negative Feedback (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 7-8, pp. 1059-1072, December 2007)
- Olavi Karner
Cooling of Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission (PDF)
(Energy Sources, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 1-9, January 2008)
- G. V. Chilingar, L. F. Khilyuk, O. G. Sorokhtin
The Spatial Pattern and Mechanisms of Heat-Content Change in the North Atlantic (PDF)
(Science, Volume 319, Number 5864, pp. 800-803, February 2008)
- M. Susan Lozier et al.
Scientific Consensus on Climate Change? (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 281-286, March 2008)
- Klaus-Martin Schulte
Evidence for "publication Bias" Concerning Global Warming in Science and Nature
(Energy & Environment, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 287-301, March 2008)
- Patrick J. Michaels
Useless Arithmetic: Ten Points to Ponder When Using Mathematical Models in Environmental Decision Making (PDF)
(Public Administration Review, Volume 68, Issue 3, pp. 470-479, March 2008)
- Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, Orrin H. Pilkey
Global Climate Change
(Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 113, Issue 3, pp. 448-455, April 2008)
- R. H. Hammerle et al.
An Alternative View of Climate Change for Steelmakers (PDF)
(Iron & Steel Technology, Volume 5, Number 7, pp. 87-98, July 2008)
- John Stubbles
Human population and carbon dioxide
(Energy Policy, Volume 36, Issue 7, pp. 2761-2764, July 2008)
- William M. Schaffer
On the credibility of climate predictions (PDF)
(Hydrological Sciences Journal, Volume 53, Number 4, pp. 671-684, August 2008)
- D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Efstratiadis et al.
Knock, Knock: Where Is the Evidence for Dangerous Human-caused Global Warming? (PDF)
(Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 177-202, September 2008)
- Robert M. Carter
* Reply to the Comment of Robert E.T. Ward by Robert M. Carter (PDF)
(Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 145-146, September 2010)
- Robert M. Carter
Reconsideration of Climate Change from the Viewpoints of Greenhouse Gas Types and Time Scale
(Energy & Environment, Volume 19, Number 5, pp. 691-705, September 2008)
- Ryunosuke Kikuchi
Potential Biases in Feedback Diagnosis from Observational Data: A Simple Model Demonstration (PDF)
(Journal of Climate, Volume 21, Issue 21, November 2008)
- Roy W. Spencer, William D. Braswell
Recent Changes in the Climate: Natural or Forced by Human Activity
(Ambio, Volume 37, Number sp14, pp. 483–488, November 2008)
- Wibjorn Karlen
Rate of Increasing Concentrations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Controlled by Natural Temperature Variations (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 19, Number 7, pp. 995-1011, December 2008)
- Fred Goldberg
Computer Study of Cluster Mechanism of Anti-greenhouse Effect
(International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 31-38, Winter 2009)
- A. Galashev
Climate Change and the Earth's Magnetic Poles, A Possible Connection (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 1-2, pp. 75-83, January 2009)
- Adrian K. Kerton
Cooling of the Global Ocean Since 2003 (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 1-2, pp. 101-104, January 2009)
- Craig Loehle
Sources and Sinks of Carbon Dioxide (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 1-2, pp. 105-121, January 2009)
- Tom Quirk
Earth's Temperature / CO2 Equilibrium Prior to 1850
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 1-2, pp. 191-196, January 2009)
- Martin D. Cropp
Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics (PDF)
(International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp. 275-364, January 2009)
- Gerhard Gerlich, Ralf D. Tscheuschner
* Reply to "Comment on 'Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics' by Joshua B. Halpern, Christopher M. Colose, Chris H0-Stuart, Joel D. Shore, Arthur P. Smith, Jorg Zimmermann" (PDF)
(International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 24, Issue 10, pp. 1333-1359, April 2010)
- Gerhard Gerlich, Ralf D. Tscheuschner
Global warming and carbon dioxide through sciences (PDF)
(Environment International, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp. 390-401, February 2009)
- Georgios A. Florides, Paul Christodoulides
Oceanic influences on recent continental warming (PDF)
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* Science Debates Must Continue
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Climate Change -- What Does the Research Mean?
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Surface Temperature Variations in East Africa and Possible Causes
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- David H. Douglass, Robert S. Knox
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- Richard S. Lindzen, Yong-Sang Choi
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A Surfeit of Cycles (PDF)
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On the Confusion of Planck Feedback Parameters
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Late 20th Century Warmed Within Natural Limits: Evidence from Gaussian Distributions
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Trend Analysis of Satellite Global Temperature Data (PDF)
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- Craig Loehle
Gravitation and Gas Laws: An Alternative Approach to Climatology
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On the Increased Rate of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Accumulation 1980-2008
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Socioeconomic Patterns in Climate Data (PDF)
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- Ross McKitrick, Nicolas Nierenberg
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- Ross McKitrick
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- Gerhard Kramm, Ralph Dlugi
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- Tom Quirk
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- David H. Douglass
Introductory paper on paradigm shift Should we change emphasis in greenhouse-effect research?
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- Arthur Rorsch
A null hypothesis for CO2 (PDF)
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- Roy W. Spencer, William D. Braswell
Tropical rainstorm feedback
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A natural constraint to anthropogenic global warming (PDF)
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The stabilising effect of the oceans on climate
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- Dick Thoenes
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- David H. Douglass
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- John R. Christy, Benjamin Herman, Roger Pielke Sr., Philip Klotzbach, Richard T. McNider, Justin J. Hnilo, Roy W. Spencer, Thomas Chase, David Douglass
A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data
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A Materials Scientist Ponders Global Warming/Cooling
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- Anthony Kelly
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- Ross McKitrick, Stephen McIntyre, Chad Herman
On the recovery from the Little Ice Age (PDF)
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- Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Recent Energy Balance of Earth
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- Robert S. Knox, David H. Douglass
Warming Power of CO2 and H2O: Correlations with Temperature Changes
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- Paulo Cesar Soares
External Forces Acting on the Earth's Climate: An Approach to Understanding the Complexity of Climate Change
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- Patrick Frank
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The 158-Year Climate Experiment
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- Patrick Frank
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- Craig Loehle, Nicola Scafetta
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Climate Change: Sources of Warming in the Late 20th Century
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- Syun-Ichi Akasofu
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* Reply to comments on "Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage - a missing link in solar-climate relationships" (PDF)
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 62, Issue 1, pp. 79-80, January 2000)
- Henrik Svensmark, Eigil Friis-Christensen
Effects of the galactic cosmic ray variations on the solar radiation input in the lower atmosphere
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 59, Issue 14, pp. 1739-1746, September 1997)
- S. V. Veretenenko, M. I. Pudovkin
Influence of Cosmic Rays on Earth's Climate
(Physical Review Letters, Volume 81, Issue 22, pp. 5027-5030, November 1998)
- Henrik Svensmark
Modulation of cosmic ray precipitation related to climate (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 26, Number 14, pp. 2057-2060, July 1999)
- J. Feynman, A. Ruzmaikin
Impact of Cosmic Ray Flux Variations Caused by Changes in the Geomagnetic Dipole Moment on Climate Variability
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 40, Number 1, pp. 97-108, 2000)
- O. M. Raspopov et al.
Cosmic rays and Earth's climate
(Space Science Reviews, Volume 93, Issue 1-2, pp. 175-185, July 2000)
- Henrik Svensmark
The influence of cosmic rays on terrestrial clouds and global warming
(Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp. 4.18-4.22, August 2000)
- E. Palle Bago, C. J. Butler
Cosmic Rays, Clouds, and Climate
(Space Science Reviews, Volume 94, Issue 1-2, pp. 215-230, November 2000)
- Nigel Marsh, Henrik Svensmark
Solar Variability and Clouds
(Space Science Reviews, Volume 94, Issue 1-2, pp. 397-409, November 2000)
- Jasper Kirkby, Ari Laaksonen
Low cloud properties influenced by cosmic rays
(Physical Review Letters, Volume 85, Issue 23, pp. 5004-5007, December 2000)
- Nigel Marsh, Henrik Svensmark
On the relationship of cosmic ray flux and precipitation
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 28, Number 8, pp. 1527-1530, April 2001)
- Dominic R. Kniveton, Martin C. Todd
Effects of Cosmic Rays on Atmospheric Chlorofluorocarbon Dissociation and Ozone Depletion
(Physical Review Letters, Volume 87, Issue 7, August 2001)
- Qing-Bin Lu, L. Sanche
The Effect of Solar Activity on Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Lower Atmosphere
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 42, Number 1, pp. 135-138, 2002)
- I. A. Mironova
Shielded by the wind: the influence of the interstellar medium on the environment of Earth
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 64, Issue 7, pp. 795-804, May 2002)
- K. Scherer, H. Fichtner, O. Stawicki
Altitude variations of cosmic ray induced production of aerosols: Implications for global cloudiness and climate
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 107, Issue A7, pp. SIA 8-1, July 2002)
- Fangqun Yu
Cosmic Ray Diffusion from the Galactic Spiral Arms, Iron Meteorites, and a Possible Climatic Connection (PDF)
(Physical Review Letters, Volume 89, Number 5, July 2002)
- Nir J. Shaviv
Cosmic Rays, Clouds, and Climate (PDF)
(Science, Volume 298, Number 5599, pp. 1732-1737, November 2002)
- K. S. Carslaw, R. G. Harrison, J. Kirkby
The Spiral Structure of the Milky Way, Cosmic Rays, and Ice Age Epochs on Earth (PDF)
(New Astronomy, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 39-77, January 2003)
- Nir J. Shaviv
Galactic cosmic ray and El Niño-Southern Oscillation trends in International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project D2 low-cloud properties
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 108, Number D6, pp. AAC 6-1, March 2003)
- Nigel Marsh, Henrik Svensmark
Solar Influence on Earth's Climate
(Space Science Reviews, Volume 107, Issue 1-2, pp. 317-325, April 2003)
- Nigel Marsh, Henrik Svensmark
The role of cosmic rays in the atmospheric processes
(Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Volume 29, Number 5, pp. 913-923, May 2003)
- Y. I. Stozhkov
Celestial driver of Phanerozoic climate? (PDF)
(GSA Today, Volume 13, Issue 7, pp. 4-10, July 2003)
- Nir J. Shaviv, Jan Veizer
* Detailed Response to Royer et al.'s letter "CO2 as a primary driver of Phanerozoic Climate" (PDF)
(Submitted to GSA Today, 2004)
- Nir Shaviv, Jan Veizer
* CO2 as a primary driver of Phanerozoic climate: COMMENT (PDF)
(GSA Today, Volume 14, Issue 7, July 2004)
- Nir Shaviv, Jan Veizer
* Comment on "Cosmic rays, carbon dioxide, and climate" (PDF)
(Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Volume 85, Issue 48, pp. 510, November 2004)
- Nir Shaviv, Jan Veizer
* Further response to "Cosmic Rays, Carbon Dioxide and Climate" by Rahmstorf et al. (PDF)
(Submitted to Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 2004)
- Nir Shaviv, Jan Veizer
On the link between northern fennoscandian climate and length of the quasi-eleven-year cycle in galactic cosmic-ray flux (PDF)
(Solar Physics, Volume 218, Issue 1-2, pp. 345-357, December 2003)
- M. G. Ogurtsov et al.
Toward a solution to the early faint Sun paradox: A lower cosmic ray flux from a stronger solar wind (PDF)
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 108, Number A12, pp. SSH 3-1, December 2003)
- Nir J. Shaviv
Evidence for a link between the flux of galactic cosmic rays and Earth's climate during the past 200,000 years
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issues 3-4, pp. 313-322, February-March 2004)
- M. Christl et al.
Effects of energetic solar proton events on the cyclone development in the North Atlantic (PDF)
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issue 5, pp. 393-405, March 2004)
- S. V. Veretenenko, P. Thejll
Latitudinal dependence of low cloud amount on cosmic ray induced ionization (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 16, August 2004)
- Ilya G. Usoskin, N. Marsh, G.A. Kovaltsov, K. Mursula, O.G. Gladysheva
Precipitation, cloud cover and Forbush decreases in galactic cosmic rays
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issues 13-14, pp. 1135-1142, September 2004)
- D.R. Kniveton
Atmospheric transparency changes associated with solar wind-induced atmospheric electricity variations
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issues 13-14, pp. 1143-1149, September 2004)
- V. C. Roldugin, B. A. Tinsley
External forcing of the geomagnetic field? Implications for the cosmic ray flux—climate variability (PDF)
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issues 13-14, pp. 1195-1203, September 2004)
- Jens Wendler
Long-Term Modulation of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere and its Influence at Earth
(Solar Physics, Volume 224, Issue 1-2, pp. 305-316, October 2004)
- K. Scherer et al.
The effects of galactic cosmic rays, modulated by solar terrestrial magnetic fields, on the climate
(Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 6, Number 5, October 2004)
- V. A. Dergachev, P. B. Dmitriev, O. M. Raspopov, B. Van Geel
Formation of large NAT particles and denitrification in polar stratosphere: possible role of cosmic rays and effect of solar activity
(Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 1037-1062, November 2004)
- F. Yu
The possible connection between ionization in the atmosphere by cosmic rays and low level clouds
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 66, Issue 18, pp. 1779-1790, December 2004)
- E. Palle, C. J. Butler, K. O'Brien
Possible influence of cosmic rays on climate through thunderstorm clouds
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 476-483, 2005)
- Lev I. Dorman, Irena V. Dorman
Estimation of long-term cosmic ray intensity variation in near future and prediction of their contribution in expected global climate change
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 496-503, 2005)
- Lev I. Dorman
Prediction of expected global climate change by forecasting of galactic cosmic ray intensity time variation in near future based on solar magnetic field data
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 491-495, 2005)
- A. V. Belov, L. I. Dorman, R. T. Gushchina, V. N. Obridko, B. D. Shelting, V. G. Yanke
Increase in the Aerosol Content of the Lower Atmosphere after the Solar Proton Flares in January and August 2002 according to Data of Lidar Observations in Europe
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 45, Number 2, pp. 221-226, March-April 2005)
- I. A. Mironova, M. I. Pudovkin
Long-term variations of the surface pressure in the North Atlantic and possible association with solar activity and galactic cosmic rays
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 484-490, May 2005)
- S. V. Veretenenko, V. A. Dergachev, P. B. Dmitriyev
Ice Age Epochs and the Sun’s Path Through the Galaxy (PDF)
(The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 626, Issue 2, pp. 844-848, June 2005)
- D. R. Gies, J. W. Helsel
On climate response to changes in the cosmic ray flux and radiative budget (PDF)
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 110, Issue A8, August 2005)
- Nir J. Shaviv
Solar activity, cosmic rays, and Earth's temperature: A millennium-scale comparison
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 110, Issue A10, October 2005)
- Ilya G. Usoskin et al.
On the Link Between Cosmic Rays and Terrestrial Climate
(International Journal of Modern Physics A, Volume 20, Issue 29, pp. 6662-6665, November 2005)
- Nir J. Shaviv
Link Between Cosmic Rays and Clouds on Different Time Scales (PDF)
(Advances in Geosciences, Volume 2, pp. 321-331, 2006)
- Ilya G. Usoskin et al.
Long-term cosmic ray intensity variation and part of global climate change, controlled by solar activity through cosmic rays
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 37, Issue 8, pp. 1621-1628, 2006)
- Lev I. Dorman
Cosmic ray flux variations, modulated by the solar and earth’s magnetic fields, and climate changes. 1. Time interval from the present to 10-12 ka ago (the Holocene Epoch)
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 46, Number 1, pp. 118-128, January 2006)
- V. A. Dergachev et al.
Atmospheric Aerosol and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Formation: A Possible Influence of Cosmic Rays?
(Space Science Reviews, Volume 125, Issue 1-4, pp. 169-186, August 2006)
- F. Arnold
Initial results of a global circuit model with variable stratospheric and tropospheric aerosols
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 111, Issue D16, August 2006)
- Brian A. Tinsley, Limin Zhou
Empirical evidence for a nonlinear effect of galactic cosmic rays on clouds
(Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume 462, Issue 2068, pp. 1221-1233, April 2006)
- R. Giles Harrison, David B. Stephenson
Variations of Galactic Cosmic Rays and the Earth's Climate
(Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 338, pp. 349-397, September 2006)
- Jasper Kirkby, Kenneth S. Carslaw
Cosmic rays and the biosphere over 4 billion years
(Astronomical Notes, Volume 327, Issue 9, pp. 871, October 2006)
- Henrik Svensmark
Different response of clouds to solar input
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 33, Number 21, November 2006)
- Mirela Voiculescu, Ilya G. Usoskin, Kalevi Mursula
Interstellar-Terrestrial Relations: Variable Cosmic Environments, The Dynamic Heliosphere, and Their Imprints on Terrestrial Archives and Climate (PDF)
(Space Science Reviews, Volume 127, Issue 1-4, pp. 327-465, December 2006)
- K. Scherer et al.
The role of the global electric circuit in solar and internal forcing of clouds and climate
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 40, Issue 7, pp. 1126-1139, 2007)
- Brian A. Tinsley et al.
Cosmic ray flux variations, modulated by the solar and terrestrial magnetic fields, and climate changes. Part 2: The time interval from ∼10000 to ∼100000 years ago
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- V. A. Dergachev et al.
Secular variation in aerosol transparency of the atmosphere as the possible link between long-term variations in solar activity and climate
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 47, Number 1, pp. 118-128, February 2007)
- M. G. Ogurtsov
Cosmoclimatology: a new theory emerges
(Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp. 1.18-1.24, February 2007)
- Henrik Svensmark
Evidence for a physical linkage between galactic cosmic rays and regional climate time series
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp. 353-364, February 2007)
- Charles A. Perrya
Experimental evidence for the role of ions in particle nucleation under atmospheric conditions
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- Henrik Svensmark et al.
200-year variations in cosmic rays modulated by solar activity and their climatic response
(Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, Volume 71, Number 7, July 2007)
- O. M. Raspopov, V. A. Dergachev
Effect of solar activity and cosmic-ray variations on the position of the Arctic front in the North Atlantic
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- S. V. Veretenenko, V. A. Dergachev, P. B. Dmitriev
On the possible contribution of solar-cosmic factors to the global warming of XX century
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- M. G. Ogurtsov
Cosmic Rays and Climate (PDF)
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- Jasper Kirkby
Natural hazards for the Earth's civilization from space, 1. Cosmic ray influence on atmospheric processes (PDF)
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- Lev I. Dorman
Cosmic rays and climate of the Earth: possible connection
(Comptes Rendus Geosciences, Volume 340, Issue 7, pp. 441-450, July 2008)
- Ilya G. Usoskin, Gennady A. Kovaltsov
Variations in the cosmic ray fluxes, modulated by the solar and terrestrial magnetic fields, and climate changes. Part 3: A time interval of 1.5 Myr, including the pleistocene
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 49, Number 1, pp. 1-13, February 2009)
- V. A. Dergachev et al.
Correlation between Cosmic Rays and Ozone Depletion
(Physical Review Letters, Volume 102, Issue 11, March 2009)
- Qing-Bin Lu
Effect of long-term variability of galactic cosmic ray fluxes on climatic parameters
(Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, Volume 73, Number 3, pp. 375-377, March 2009)
- O. M. Raspopov et al.
Influence of cosmic rays and cosmic dust on the atmosphere and Earth's climate
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- V. I. Ermakov et al.
Solar activity and cosmic rays: Influence on cloudiness and processes in the lower atmosphere
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 137-145, April 2009)
- O. M. Raspopov, S. V. Veretenenko
The impact of cosmic dust on the Earth’s climate
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- V. I. Ermakov et al.
Coal and fuel burning effects on the atmosphere as mediated by the atmospheric electric field and galactic cosmic rays flux
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- A. Heitor Reis, Claudia Serrano
Cosmic ray decreases affect atmospheric aerosols and clouds (PDF)
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- Henrik Svensmark, Torsten Bondo, Jacob Svensmark
A relationship between galactic cosmic radiation and tree rings
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- Sigrid Dengel, Dominik Aeby, John Grace
The Terrestrial Cosmic Ray Flux: Its Importance for Climate
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- Michael Ram, Michael R. Stolz, Brian A. Tinsley
Radio-optical and optical mechanisms of the influence of space factors on global climate warming
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- S. V. Avakyan, N. A. Voronin
Regional millennial trend in the cosmic ray induced ionization of the troposphere (PDF)
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- Ilya G. Usoskin et al.
Correlations of clouds, cosmic rays and solar irradiation over the Earth
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 72, Issues 2-3, pp. 151-156, February 2010)
- A. D. Erlykin, T. Sloan, A. W. Wolfendale
Cosmic-ray-driven electron-induced reactions of halogenated molecules adsorbed on ice surfaces: Implications for atmospheric ozone depletion
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- Qing-Bin Lu
Results from the CERN pilot CLOUD experiment (PDF)
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- J. Duplissy et al.
Solar rhythms in the characteristics of the Arctic frontal zone in the North Atlantic
(Advances in Space Research, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp. 391-397, February 2010)
- S. V. Veretenenko, V. A. Dergachev, P. B. Dmitriyev
Model of optical response of marine aerosols to Forbush decreases (PDF)
(Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 10, Issue 6, pp. 2765-2776, March 2010)
- T. Bondo, M. B. Enghoff, H. Svensmark
Galactic cosmic rays-clouds effect and bifurcation model of the Earth global climate. Part 1. Theory
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 72, Issues 5-6, pp. 398-408, April 2010)
- Vitaliy D. Rusov et al.
Strong signature of the active Sun in 100 years of terrestrial insolation data
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* Reply to the Comment of G. Feulner
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Cosmic rays linked to rapid mid-latitude cloud changes (PDF)
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- B. A. Laken, D. R. Kniveton, M. R. Frogley
Galactic cosmic ray variation influence on baric system dynamics at middle latitudes
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issues 2-3, pp. 366-370, February 2011)
- Irina Artamonova, Svetlana Veretenenko
Aerosol nucleation induced by a high energy particle beam (PDF)
(Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 38, Number 9, May 2011)
- Martin B. Enghoff, Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, Ulrik I. Uggerhøj, Sean M. Paling, Henrik Svensmark
Dependence of GCRs influx on the solar North-South asymmetry (PDF)
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 13, pp. 1723-1726, August 2011)
- Il-Hyun Cho et al.
Forbush decreases - clouds relation in the neutron monitor era (PDF)
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Role of sulphuric acid, ammonia and galactic cosmic rays in atmospheric aerosol nucleation
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- Jasper Kirkby et al.
The role of cosmic and ionospheric disturbances in global climatic changes and pipeline corrosion
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- S. V. Avakyan, N. A. Voronin
Cosmic rays and space weather: effects on global climate change (PDF)
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- Lev I. Dorman
Changes in cosmic ray fluxes improve correlation to global warming
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Effects of cosmic ray decreases on cloud microphysics (PDF)
(Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 3595-3617, February 2012)
- J. Svensmark, M. B. Enghoff, and H. Svensmark
Evidence of nearby supernovae affecting life on Earth
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- Henrik Svensmark
Aerosol nucleation in an ultra-low ion density environment
(Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 50, pp. 75-85, August 2012)
- Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, Martin B. Enghoff, Sean M. Paling, Henrik Svensmark
* Response of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (> 50 nm) to changes in ion-nucleation (PDF)
(Physics Letters A, Volume 377, Issue 37, pp. 2343-2347, November 2013)
- Henrik Svensmark, Martin B. Enghoff, Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen
Climate sensitivity to the lower stratospheric ozone variations
(Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volumes 90-91, pp. 9-14, December 2012)
- N. A. Kilifarska
Effect of solar and galactic cosmic rays on the duration of macrosynoptic processes
(Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp. 5-9, January 2013)
- I. V. Artamonova, S. V. Veretenenko
Cosmic-Ray-Driven Reaction and Greenhouse Effect of Halogenated Molecules: Culprits for Atmospheric Ozone Depletion and Global Climate Change
(International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 27, Issue 17, July 2013)
- Qing-Bin Lu
* Reply to "Comment on 'Cosmic-ray-driven reaction and greenhouse effect of halogenated molecules: Culprits for atmospheric ozone depletion and global climate change' by Dana Nuccitelli et al."
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Evidence for cosmic ray modulation in temperature records from the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly region
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Connection between the Earth’s Climate Change and Variations in the Geomagnetic Field and Cosmic Ray Fluxes During the Past Ten Thousands of Years
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Atmospheric pressure variations at extratropical latitudes associated with Forbush decreases of galactic cosmic rays
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Stratospheric polar vortex as a possible reason for temporal variations of solar activity and galactic cosmic ray effects on the lower atmosphere circulation
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The UN IPCC's Artful Bias: Summary of Findings: Glaring Omissions, False Confidence and Misleading Statistics in the Summary for Policymakers
(Energy & Environment, Volume 13, Number 3, pp. 311-328, July 2002)
- Wojick D. E.
The IPCC Emission Scenarios: An Economic-Statistical Critique
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 2-3, pp. 159-185, May 2003)
- Ian Castles, David R. Henderson
Economics, Emissions Scenarios and the Work of the IPCC
(Energy & Environment, Volume 14, Number 4, pp. 415-435, July 2003)
- Ian Castles, David Henderson
The Treatment of Economic Issues by The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 2, pp. 321-326, March 2005)
- David Henderson
SRES, IPCC and the Treatment of Economic Issues: What Has Emerged?
(Energy & Environment, Volume 16, Number 3-4, pp. 549-578, July 2005)
- David Henderson
Tractatus logico-climaticus
(Society, Volume 44, Number 4, pp. 12-13, May 2007)
- Philip Stott
Alarmist Misrepresentations of the Findings of the Latest Scientific Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(The Electricity Journal, Volume 20, Issue 7, pp. 38-46, August-September 2007)
- Henry R. Linden
Biased Policy Advice from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (PDF)
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- Richard S. J. Tol
The IPCC: Structure, Processes and Politics Climate Change - the Failure of Science
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- William J. R. Alexander
A Suggestion to Climate Scientists and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
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- Syun-Ichi Akasofu
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- Warwick J. McKibbin, David Pearce, Alison Stegman
A Critical Discussion of the Stern and IPCC Analyses of Carbon Emission Mitigation Possibilities and Costs
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- Ted Trainer
Nomenclature, Radiative Forcing and Temperature Projections in IPCC Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis (AR4)
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- H. Douglas Lightfoot
Reasoning about climate uncertainty
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- Judith Curry
IPCC Underestimates the Sun's Role in Climate Change
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- Bas van Geel, Peter A. Ziegler
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- Antero Ollila
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- Bruce Yandle
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- Marian Radetzki
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- Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
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- William H. Lash
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- Benjamin K. Sovacool
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- Julian L. Simon
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- Vaclav Smil
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- Patrick J. Michaels
Planetary Warming: Realities and Responses
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- Vaclav Smil
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- Fredrick D. Palmer
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- C. R. de Freitas
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- S. Fred Singer
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- Reid A. Bryson
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- Indur M. Goklany
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- William E. Easterling
The evolution of an energy contrarian (PDF)
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- Henry R. Linden
A winning coalition of advocacy: Climate research, bureaucracy and "alternative" fuels
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- Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
Rethinking the role of adaptation in climate policy (PDF)
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- Roger A. Pielke Jr.
Environmentalism and Economic Freedom: The Case for Private Property Rights
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- Walter Block
Climate change and the world bank: Opportunity for global governance?
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- Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
Managing Planet Earth; Adaptation and Cosmology (PDF)
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- Curtis A. Pendergraft
Weathering climate change: some simple rules to guide adaptation decisions (PDF)
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- Samuel Fankhauser, Joel B. Smith, Richard S. J. Tol
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- V. V. Klimenko, O. V. Mikushina, A. G. Tereshin
Forecasting World Food Supplies: The Impact of the Rising Atmospheric Co2 Concentration
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- Craig D. Idso, Keith E. Idso
Potential Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Compared to Other Environmental Problems (PDF)
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- Indur M. Goklany
Turning the big knob: An evaluation of the use of energy policy to modulate future climate impacts
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- Roger A. Pielke Jr., R. Klein, D. Sarewitz
Climate Alarmism and Corporate Responsibility
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- Robert L. Bradley Jr.
Mitigation versus compensation in global warming policy (PDF)
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- Ross McKitrick
Investing Against Climate Change: Why Failure Remains Possible
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- Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
Environmentalism in the light of Menger and Mises (PDF)
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- George Reisman
The geo-politics of sustainable development: bureaucracies and politicians in search of the holy grail
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- Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
How healthy is the world?
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- Bjorn Lomborg
Science, Equity, and the War against Carbon
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- Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
The Precautionary Principle Versus Risk Analysis
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- Chauncey Starr
Best practices in prediction for decision-making: Lessons from the atmospheric and earth sciences (PDF)
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- Roger A. Pielke Jr., Richard T. Conant
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- Indur M. Goklany
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- Jeffrey R. Clark, Dwight R. Lee
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- Roger A. Pielke Jr.
Global Warming, the Politicization of Science, and Michael Crichton's State of Fear (PDF)
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- David Deming
On the Opposition Against the Book The Skeptical Environmentalist by B. Lomborg (PDF)
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- Arthur Rorsch, Thomas Frello, Ray Soper, Adriaan de Lange
Australia's Environment Undergoing Renewal, Not Collapse (PDF)
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- Jennifer Marohasy
A Climate Policy for the Short and Medium Term: Stabilization or Adaptation? (PDF)
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- Indur M. Goklany
The Precautionary Principle: A High-Risk Principle
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- Gabriel Calzada, Cecile Philippe, Xavier Mera
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- Ross McKitrick
Should We Have Acted Thirty Years Ago to Prevent Climate Change? (PDF)
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- Randall G. Holcombe
A critical review of some recent Australian regional climate reports
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- John D. McLean
Climate change in the 21st century (PDF)
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- Indur M. Goklany
The Government Grant System: Inhibitor of Truth and Innovation? (PDF)
(Journal of Information Ethics, Volume 16, Number 1, Spring 2007)
- Donald W. Miller
Governments and Climate Change Issues: The case for rethinking
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- David R. Henderson
Integrated strategies to reduce vulnerability and advance adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development (PDF)
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- Indur M. Goklany
How Serious is the Global Warming Threat?
(Society, Volume 44, Number 5, pp. 45-50, September 2007)
- Roy W. Spencer
New Light or Fixed Presumptions? The OECD, the IMF and the treatment of climate change issues
(World Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 203-221, October 2007)
- David Henderson
Global Warming: The Social Construction of A Quasi-Reality? (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 6, pp. 805-813, November 2007)
- Dennis Ambler
Is a Richer-but-warmer World Better than Poorer-but-cooler Worlds? (PDF)
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- Indur M. Goklany
Climatic Change and the Future of the Human Environment
(International Social Science Journal, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 512-523, June 2008)
- Vladimir M. Kotlyakov
The Eco-Industrial Complex in USA - Global Warming and Rent-Seeking Coalitions
(Energy & Environment, Volume 19, Number 7, pp. 941-958, December 2008)
- Ivan Jankovic
Economists and Climate Science: A Critique
(World Economics, Volume 10, Number 1, pp. 59-90, 2009)
- David Henderson
Climate Change: Dangers of a Singular Approach and Consideration of a Sensible Strategy
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 1-2, pp. 201-205, January 2009)
- Tim F. Ball
Climate Policy : Quo Vadis?
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 1-2, pp. 207-213, January 2009)
- Hans Labohm
History, Politics, and Claims of Man-Made Global Warming
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- John David Lewis
Is Climate Change the "Defining Challenge of Our Age"? (PDF)
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- Indur M. Goklany
Privatising Climate Policy
(Economic Affairs, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 57-62, August 2009)
- Graham Dawson
Rolling the DICE: William Nordhaus’s Dubious Case for a Carbon Tax (PDF)
(The Independent Review, Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 197-217, Fall 2009)
- Robert P. Murphy
Scientific Shortcomings in the EPA's Endangerment Finding from Greenhouse Gases (PDF)
(The Cato Journal, Volume 29 Number 3, pp. 497-521, Fall 2009)
- Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger
Climate Vulnerability and the Indispensable Value of Industrial Capitalism (PDF)
(Energy & Environment, Volume 20, Number 5, pp. 733-745, September 2009)
- Keith H. Lockitch
Climate Change and Food Production
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- T.R.C. Curtin
Ecological Science as a Creation Story (PDF)
(The Independent Review, Volume 14, Number 4, pp. 513-534, Spring 2010)
- Robert H. Nelson
Pluralism Lost: Sustainability’s Unfortunate Fall
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- Edward T. Wimberley
The Fallacies of Concurrent Climate Policy Efforts
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- Marian Radetzki
Early Climate Change Consensus at the National Academy: The Origins and Making of Changing Climate (PDF)
(Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Volume 40, Number 3, pp. 318-349, Summer 2010)
- Nicolas Nierenberg, Walter R. Tschinkel, Victoria J. Tschinkel
An Ethical Defense of Global-Warming Skepticism (PDF)
(Reason Papers, Volume 32, pp. 7-27, Fall 2010)
- William Irwin, Brian Williams
Free Markets, Property Rights and Climate Change: How to Privatize Climate Policy (PDF)
(Libertarian Papers, Volume 3, Number 10, pp. 1-29, April 2011)
- Graham Dawson
A simple state-contingent pricing rule for complex intertemporal externalities (PDF)
(Energy Economics, Volume 33, Issue 1, pp. 111-120, January 2011)
- Ross McKitrick
An evaluation of the targets and timetables of proposed Australian emissions reduction policies (PDF)
(Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 20-27, January 2011)
- Roger A. Pielke Jr.
A Multidisciplinary, Science-Based Approach to the Economics of Climate Change (PDF)
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 8, Number 4, pp. 985-1031, April 2011)
- Alan Carlin
Climate Politics, Strategic Behaviour, Hold‐Outs, Free Riders And Rent‐Seekers
(Economic Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, pp. 4-9, June 2011)
- Gordon L. Brady
Copenhagen, Cancún and the Limits of Global Welfare Economics
(Economic Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, pp. 10-16, June 2011)
- David Campbell, Matthias Klaes
Is climate change the number one threat to humanity? (PDF)
(Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp. 489-508, November/December 2012)
- Indur M. Goklany
Learning and Teaching Climate Science: The Perils of Consensus Knowledge Using Agnotology
(Science & Education, Volume 22, Issue 8, pp. 2007-2017, August 2013)
- David R. Legates, Willie Soon, William M. Briggs
* Climate Consensus and ‘Misinformation’: A Rejoinder to Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and Learning of Climate Change (PDF)
(Science & Education, August 2013)
- David R. Legates, Willie Soon, William M. Briggs, Christopher Monckton
Austrian economics and climate change
(The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 26, Issue 2, pp. 183-206, June 2013)
- Graham Dawson
Long-Term Forecasting of Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Reducing Uncertainties Using a Per Capita Approach (PDF)
(Journal of Forecasting, Volume 32, Issue 5, pp. 435-451, August 2013)
- Ross Mckitrick, Mark C. Strazicich, Junsoo Lee
Science in the Public Square: Global Climate Alarmism and Historical Precedents (PDF)
(Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 14, Number 3, pp. 69-75, Fall 2013)
- Richard S. Lindzen
Climate Change Policy: What Do the Models Tell Us?
(Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 51, Number 3, pp. 860-872, September 2013)
- Robert S. Pindyck
Co-fluctuation patterns of per capita carbon dioxide emissions: The role of energy markets
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- Ross McKitrick, Joel Wood
Modern Environmentalism: A Longer Term Threat to Western Civilization
(Energy & Environment, Volume 24, Number 6, pp. 1063-1072, October 2013)
- Alan Carlin
Stern Review:
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(World Economics, Volume 7, Number 4, pp. 165-232, October-December 2006)
- Robert M. Carter, C. R. de Freitas, Indur M. Goklany, David Holland, Richard S. Lindzen, Ian Byatt, Ian Castles, Indur M. Goklany, David Henderson, Nigel Lawson, Ross McKitrick, Julian Morris, Alan Peacock, Colin Robinson, Robert Skidelsky
* Response to Simmonds and Steffen (PDF)
(World Economics, Volume 8, Number 2, pp. 143-151, April-June 2007)
- David Holland, Robert M. Carter, C. R. de Freitas, Indur M. Goklany, Richard S. Lindzen
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- Richard S. J. Tol
Climate Science and the Stern Review (PDF)
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- Robert M. Carter, C. R. de Freitas, Indur M. Goklany, David Holland, Richard S. Lindzen
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- Roger Pielke Jr.
Is Stern Review on climate change alarmist?
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- S. Niggol Seo
The Economic Science Fiction of Climate Change: A Free-Market Perspective on the Stern Review and the IPCC
(Economic Affairs, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 42-47, December 2008)
- Graham Dawson
The Stern Review on Climate Change: Inconvenient Sensitivities
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- Sergey Mityakov, Christof Rühl
Historic: (Pre-1970) * This section is not counted
Solar Variability as a Factor in the Fluctuations of Climate during Geological Time
(Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, Volume 31, pp. 295-315, 1949)
- H. C. Willett
Has the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Changed Significantly Since the Beginning of the Twentieth Century? (PDF)
(Monthly Weather Review, Volume 83, Issue 10, pp. 225-231, 1955)
- Giles Slocum
Cosmic Radiation and the Weather
(Nature, Volume 183, Number 4659, pp. 451-452, February 1959)
- Edward P. Ney
Variations in Radiocarbon Concentration and Sunspot Activity
(Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 66, Issue 1, pp.273, January 1961)
- M. Stuiver
The early medieval warm epoch and its sequel (PDF)
(Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 1, pp. 13-37, 1965)
- H. H. Lamb
Journal Citation List: (Count: 357)
AAPG Bulletin
Academic Questions
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
Advances in Geosciences
Advances in Global Change Research
Advances in Meteorology
Advances in Space Research
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Agricultural Meteorology
Agricultural Water Management
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Agronomy Journal
American Journal of Botany
American Journal of Human Biology
Annales Geophysicae
Annals of Applied Statistics
Annals of Glaciology
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
Applied Energy
Applied Physics Research
Aquatic Botany
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Arctic and Alpine Research
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law
Astronautics and Aeronautics
Astronomical Notes
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astronomy & Geophysics
Astrophysics and Space Science
Astrophysics and Space Science Library
Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Environment
Atmospheric Environment Part B: Urban Atmosphere
Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric Science Letters
Australian Journal of Emergency Management
Boundary-Layer Meteorology
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS)
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Central European Journal of Physics
Chemical Engineering Progress
Chemical Innovation
Chinese Science Bulletin
Climate Dynamics
Climate of the Past
Climate Research
Climatic Change
Climatological Bulletin
Coastal Engineering
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Comptes Rendus Geosciences
Contemporary South Asia
Coral Reefs
Current Biology
Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Deep Sea Research Part I
Deep Sea Research Part II
Development in Earth Science
Diversity and Distributions
Doklady Earth Sciences
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Earth-Science Reviews
Earth System Dynamics
Ecological Complexity
Ecological Economics
Ecological Modelling
Ecological Monographs
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology of Freshwater Fish
Economic Affairs
Economic Analysis and Policy
Economics Bulletin
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Energy & Environment
Energy & Fuels
Energy and Buildings
Energy Economics
Energy Policy
Energy Sources
Environment International
Environmental and Experimental Botany
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Geology
Environmental Geosciences
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental Law and Management
Environmental Politics
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Research
Environmental Research Letters
Environmental Science & Policy
Environmental Science: An Indian Journal
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Software
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Euresis Journal
Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Future Virology
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Geographica Pannonica
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
Geophysical Journal International
Geophysical Research Letters
Geoscience Canada
Global and Planetary Change
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Global Change Biology
Global Environmental Change
Global Perspectives on Geography
GSA Today
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Human Ecology
Hydrological Sciences Journal
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Il Nuovo Cimento C
International Journal of Biometeorology
International Journal of Climatology
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering
International Journal of Environmental Studies
International Journal of Forecasting
International Journal of Geosciences
International Journal of Global Energy Issues
International Journal of Global Warming
International Journal of Medical Microbiology Supplements
International Journal of Modern Physics A
International Journal of Modern Physics B
International Journal of Modern Physics C
International Journal of Physical Sciences
International Journal of Remote Sensing
International Security
International Social Science Journal
Internationales Asienforum
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Irish Astronomical Journal
Iron & Steel Technology
Irrigation and Drainage
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
Journal of Aerosol Science
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
Journal of Biogeography
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Climate
Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
Journal of Coastal Research
Journal of Cosmology
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A
Journal of Environmental Sciences
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal of Forecasting
Journal of Forestry
Journal of Geographic Information System
Journal of Geology & Geosciences
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Hydrometeorology
Journal of Information Ethics
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research
Journal of International Studies
Journal of Lake Sciences
Journal of Marine Science
Journal of Marine Systems
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Journal of Optical Technology
Journal of Paleolimnology
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Journal of Physics Malaysia
Journal of Plant Physiology
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Journal of Vegetation Science
Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
La Houille Blanche
Landscape and Urban Planning
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
Leadership and Management in Engineering
Libertarian Papers
Libyan Journal Medicine
Living Reviews of Solar Physics
Malaria Journal
Marine Biology
Marine Environmental Research
Marine Geology
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Mathematical Geology
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Meteorologische Zeitschrift
Mires and Peat
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Monthly Weather Review
Moscow University Physics Bulletin
Natural Hazards
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Natural Hazards Review
Natural Science
Nature Climate Change
Nature Geoscience
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
New Astronomy
New Concepts In Global Tectonics
New Literary History
New Phytologist
New Zealand Geographer
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
New Zealand Journal of Science
Nonlinear Engineering
Nordic Hydrology
Norwegian Polar Institute Letters
Oceanologica Acta
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Paleontological Journal
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
Physical Geography
Physical Review & Research International
Physical Review E
Physical Review Letters
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Physics Letters A
Physics Reports
Planetary and Space Science
Plant and Soil
Plant, Cell & Environment
Plant Ecology
Plant Physiology
PLoS Biology
Political Geography
Population and Development Review
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Engineering
Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering
Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy A
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Progress in Natural Science
Progress in Oceanography
Progress in Physical Geography
Public Administration Review
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
Quaternary International
Quaternary Research
Quaternary Science Reviews
Reason Papers
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing of Environment
Rendiconti Lincei
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable Energy
Reviews of Geophysics
Risk Analysis
Russian Journal of Earth Sciences
Science & Education
Science China Earth Sciences
Science of the Total Environment
Science, Technology & Human Values
Scientia Horticulturae
Sedimentary Geology
Social Philosophy and Policy
Social Studies of Science
Soil Science
Solar Physics
South African Journal of Science
Space Science Reviews
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Statistics, Politics, and Policy
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
Sun and Geosphere
Surveys in Geophysics
The Astrophysical Journal
The Cato Journal
The Cryosphere
The Electricity Journal
The European Physical Journal Plus
The Holocene
The Independent Review
The ISME Journal
The Journal of Wildlife Management
The Lancet
The Lancet Infectious Diseases
The Open Atmospheric Science Journal
The Quarterly Review of Biology
The Review of Austrian Economics
The Review of Economics and Statistics
The Scientific World Journal
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Thermal Engineering
Topics in Catalysis
Trends in Parasitology
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Water Resources Research
Water SA
Weather and Forecasting
Weather, Climate and Society
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
World Economics
Journal Notes:
AAPG Bulletin is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0149-1423)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists the AAPG Bulletin as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists the AAPG Bulletin as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists the AAPG Bulletin as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "The AAPG Bulletin ...the leading peer-reviewed publication for information on geoscience" - AAPG Bulletin
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1976-7633)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists the Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists the Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
Astronomy & Geophysics is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1366-8781)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists Astronomy & Geophysics as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists Astronomy & Geophysics as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists Astronomy & Geophysics as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0007-4802)
- Scopus lists the Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- "The Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal" - Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Climate Research is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0936-577X)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists Climate Research as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists Climate Research as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists Climate Research as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "Manuscripts are critically evaluated by at least 3 reviewers" - Climate Research
Economic Affairs is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 0265-0665)
- Scopus lists Economic Affairs as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists Economic Affairs as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "Economic Affairs is a fully refereed journal." - Economic Affairs
Economic Analysis and Policy is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 0313-5926)
- EBSCO lists Economic Analysis and Policy as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "Economic Analysis and Policy (EAP), a refereed journal" - Economic Analysis and Policy
Economics Bulletin is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1545-2921)
- Scopus lists the Economics Bulletin as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "The Economics Bulletin is an open access, peer-reviewed, letters journal" (PDF) - Economics Bulletin
Energy & Environment is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 0958-305X)
- The IPCC cites Energy & Environment 28 times
- Indexed in Compendex, EBSCO, Environment Abstracts, Google Scholar, JournalSeek, Scopus and Thomson Reuters (ISI)
- Found at hundreds of libraries and universities worldwide in print and electronic form. These include; Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Library of Congress, McGill University, Monash University, National Library of Australia, Stanford University, The British Library, University of British Columbia, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Queensland and MIT.
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) lists Energy & Environment as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- Scopus lists Energy & Environment as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists Energy & Environment as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "E&E, by the way, is peer reviewed" - Tom Wigley, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- "I have published a few papers in E&E. All were peer-reviewed as usual. I have reviewed a few more for the journal." - Richard Tol Ph.D. Professor of the Economics of Climate Change, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
- "All Multi-Sciences primary journals are fully refereed" - Multi-Science Publishing
- "Regular issues include submitted and invited papers that are rigorously peer reviewed" - E&E Mission Statement
Energy Policy is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0301-4215)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists Energy Policy as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists Energy Policy as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists Energy Policy as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "Energy Policy is an international peer-reviewed journal" - Elsevier
Environmental Geosciences is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1075-9565)
- Scopus lists Environmental Geosciences as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists Environmental Geosciences as a peer-reviewed science journal
- "Environmental Geosciences is a peer-reviewed publication" - Environmental Geosciences
Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0096-3941)
- Scopus lists Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- "In making the decision about the publication of a manuscript, the editor may ...confer with reviewers" - Eos
Euresis Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 2239-2742)
- "The Editorial Board, with the help of external experts, reviews all manuscripts"
GSA Today is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1052-5173)
- "GSA Today lead science articles are refereed" - GSA Today
International Journal of Modern Physics B is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0217-9792)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists the International Journal of Modern Physics B as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists the International Journal of Modern Physics B as a peer-reviewed science journal
- EBSCO lists the International Journal of Modern Physics B as a peer-reviewed science journal
Irrigation and Drainage is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1531-0353)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists Irrigation and Drainage as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists Irrigation and Drainage as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists Irrigation and Drainage as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "The Journal is a prestigious peer-reviewed publication" - Irrigation and Drainage
Iron & Steel Technology is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1547-0423)
- Scopus lists Iron & Steel Technology as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- "Iron & Steel Technology readers will find timely peer-reviewed articles" - Iron & Steel Technology
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1543-4826)
- EBSCO lists the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "Articles are subject to a double-blind peer-review process" (PDF) - Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1364-6826)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "The journal referees and publishes original research papers, using rigorous standards of review" - JASTP
Journal of Information Ethics is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1061-9321)
- Scopus lists the Journal of Information Ethics as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists the Journal of Information Ethics as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
Journal of Scientific Exploration is a peer-reviewed general interest journal (ISSN: 0892-3310)
- Scopus lists the Journal of Scientific Exploration as a peer-reviewed general interest journal
- EBSCO lists the Journal of Scientific Exploration as a peer-reviewed general interest journal
- "Manuscripts will be sent to two or more referees" (PDF) - Journal of Scientific Exploration
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 0868-8257)
- Scopus lists the Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists the Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences as a peer-reviewed science journal
- "Thorough and constructive peer review" - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
New Concepts in Global Tectonics is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1833-2560)
- "Manuscripts are judged by reviewers on the basis of their scientific merit, quality, supporting data and evidence" - New Concepts in Global Tectonics
- "The establishment of the Editorial board and a peer review system in December 2005 enabled us to enhance the quality of the articles." (PDF) - Dr. Dong R. Choi, Editor, New Concepts in Global Tectonics
Public Administration Review is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 0033-3352)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Social Sciences Citation Index lists Public Administration Review as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- Scopus lists Public Administration Review as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists Public Administration Review as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "PAR uses a double-blind review process" - Public Administration Review
Society is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 0147-2011)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Social Sciences Citation Index lists Society as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- Scopus lists Society as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists Society as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1386-1425)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Science Citation Index lists Spectrochimica Acta Part A as a peer-reviewed science journal
- Scopus lists Spectrochimica Acta Part A as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists Spectrochimica Acta Part A as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "Appropriate Referees should be knowledgeable about the subject but have no close connection with any of the authors" - Spectrochimica Acta Part A
The Cato Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 0273-3072)
- Scopus lists The Cato Journal as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists The Cato Journal as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "All papers are refereed" - The Cato Journal
The Electricity Journal is a peer-reviewed science journal (ISSN: 1040-6190)
- Scopus lists The Electricity Journal as a peer-reviewed physical science journal
- EBSCO lists The Electricity Journal as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "...which is used in the peer-review process" - The Electricity Journal
- "The Electricity Journal, a peer-reviewed scholarly publication" - Richard Cohen, Editor, The Electricity Journal
The Independent Review is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1086-1653)
- Thomson Reuters (ISI) Social Sciences Citation Index lists The Independent Review as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- Scopus lists The Independent Reviewl as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- EBSCO lists The Independent Review as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
- "The Independent Review is thoroughly researched, peer-reviewed, and based on scholarship of the highest caliber" - The Independent Review
Nature Articles, Letters, Brief Communications, Communications Arising, Technical Reports, Analysis, Reviews, Perspectives, Progress articles and Insight articles are all peer-reviewed. Other contributed articles and all forms of published correction may also be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the editors.
Many popular journals like Nature frequently reject papers arbitrarily, "...each Nature journal has to decline many papers of very high quality" - Nature
EBSCO has been around for over 65 years and their services are used by Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Medical Institutions, Government Institutions and Public Libraries.
Alarmism: (defined) "concern relating to a perceived negative environmental or socio-economic effect of ACC/AGW, usually exaggerated as catastrophic."
* Alarmism: (defined) "the attitudes and behavior of one who exaggerates dangers or always expects disaster."
Catastrophic: (defined) "a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin."
Letters: (defined) "is a term used to describe a type of peer-reviewed scientific document format in certain scholarly journals such as Nature."
Nature Letters: (defined) "are short reports of original research focused on an outstanding finding whose importance means that it will be of interest to scientists in other fields. These should not be confused with Letters to the Editor."
Peer-Reviewed: (defined) "of or being scientific or scholarly writing or research that has undergone evaluation by other experts in the field to judge if it merits publication."
Paper: (defined) "a piece of writing on an academic subject."
Qualifier: (defined) "a word or phrase that qualifies the sense of another word; for example, the noun alarm is a modifier of clock in alarm clock."
Skeptic: (defined) "a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual [ACC/AGW Alarmism]." (e.g. Richard S. Lindzen Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science at MIT, John R. Christy Ph.D. Professor of Atmospheric Science at UAH, Sherwood B. Idso Ph.D. Research Scientist Emeritus, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory and Patrick J. Michaels Ph.D. Climatology)
Support: (defined) "to help to show something to be true."
Impact Factor is a subjectively devised determination of popularity not scientific validity, that is widely abused and manipulated.
The Number That's Devouring Science (PDF) (The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 15, 2005)
Deluged by so many manuscripts, high-impact journals can send only a fraction out to experts for review. Nature, for example, rejects half of the submissions it gets without forwarding them to referees, says its editor in chief, Philip Campbell. [...]European Association of Science Editors statement on inappropriate use of impact factors (PDF) (European Association of Science Editors, November 2007)
Dr. DeAngelis, of JAMA, says editors at some top journals have told her that they do consider citations when judging some papers. "There are people who won't publish articles," she says, "because it won't help their impact factor." [...]
Fiona Godlee, editor of BMJ (formerly known as the British Medical Journal), agrees that editors take impact factors into account when deciding on manuscripts, whether they realize it or not. ...She says editors may be rejecting not only studies in smaller or less-fashionable fields, but also important papers from certain regions of the world, out of fear that such reports won't attract sufficient citation attention.
The impact factor, however, is not always a reliable instrument for measuring the quality of journals. Its use for purposes for which it was not intended, causes even greater unfairness."Quality not Quantity" – DFG Adopts Rules to Counter the Flood of Publications in Research (German Research Foundation, February 2010)
"Whether in performance-based funding allocations, postdoctoral qualifications, appointments, or reviewing funding proposals, increasing importance has been given to numerical indicators such as the H-index and the impact factor. The focus has not been on what research someone has done but rather how many papers have been published and where. This puts extreme pressure upon researchers to publish as much as possible and sometimes leads to cases of scientific misconduct in which incorrect statements are provided concerning the status of a publication. This is not in the interest of science,"Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research (PDF)
(British Medical Journal, Volume 314, pp. 498–502, February 1997)
- Per O. Seglen
Summary points:The Impact Factor Game
- Use of journal impact factors conceals the difference in article citation rates (articles in the most cited half of articles in a journal are cited 10 times as often as the least cited half)
- Journals' impact factors are determined by technicalities unrelated to the scientific quality of their articles
- Journal impact factors depend on the research field: high impact factors are likely in journals covering large areas of basic research with a rapidly expanding but short lived literature that use many references per article
- Article citation rates determine the journal impact factor, not vice versa
(PLoS Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2006)
- The PLoS Medicine Editors
...it is well known that editors at many journals plan and implement strategies to massage their impact factors. Such strategies include attempting to increase the numerator in the above equation by encouraging authors to cite articles published in the journal or by publishing reviews that will garner large numbers of citations. Alternatively, editors may decrease the denominator by attempting to have whole article types removed from it (by making such articles superficially less substantial, such as by forcing authors to cut down on the number of references or removing abstracts) or by decreasing the number of research articles published. These are just a few of the many ways of "playing the impact factor game."Show Me The Data
One problem with this game, leaving aside the ethics of it, is that the rules are unclear—editors can, for example, try to persuade Thomson Scientific to reduce the denominator, but the company refuses to make public its process for choosing "citable" article types. Thomson Scientific, the sole arbiter of the impact factor game, is part of The Thomson Corporation, a for-profit organization that is responsible primarily to its shareholders. It has no obligation to be accountable to any of the stakeholders who care most about the impact factor—the authors and readers of scientific research.
(The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 179, Number 6, pp. 1091-1092, December 2007)
- Mike Rossner, Heather Van Epps, Emma Hill
It became clear that Thomson Scientific could not or (for some as yet unexplained reason) would not sell us the data used to calculate their published impact factor. If an author is unable to produce original data to verify a figure in one of our papers, we revoke the acceptance of the paper. We hope this account will convince some scientists and funding organizations to revoke their acceptance of impact factors as an accurate representation of the quality—or impact—of a paper published in a given journal. Just as scientists would not accept the findings in a scientific paper without seeing the primary data, so should they not rely on Thomson Scientific's impact factor, which is based on hidden data.Irreproducible results: a response to Thomson Scientific
(The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 180, Number 2, pp. 254-255, January 2008)
- Mike Rossner, Heather Van Epps, Emma Hill
Impact factors are determined from a dataset produced by searching the Thomson Scientific database using specific parameters. As previously stated, our aim was to purchase that dataset for a few journals. Even if those results were for some reason not stored by Thomson Scientific, it is inconceivable to us that they cannot run the same search over the same database to produce the same dataset. The citation data for a given year should be static. In essence, Thomson Scientific is saying that they cannot repeat the experiment, which would be grounds for rejection of a manuscript submitted to any scientific journal.Nefarious Numbers (PDF)
(arXiv:1010.0278, October 2010)
- Douglas N. Arnold, Kristine K. Fowler
The impact factor for a journal in a given year is calculated by ISI (Thomson Reuters) as the average number of citations in that year to the articles the journal published in the preceding two years. It has been widely criticized on a variety of grounds:
- A journal's distribution of citations does not determine its quality.
- The impact factor is a crude statistic, reporting only one particular item of information from the citation distribution.
- It is a flawed statistic. For one thing, the distribution of citations among papers is highly skewed, so the mean for the journal tends to be misleading. For another, the impact factor only refers to citations within the first two years after publication (a particularly serious de deficiency for mathematics, in which around 90% of citations occur after two years).
- The underlying database is flawed, containing errors and including a biased selection of journals.
- Many confounding factors are ignored, for example, article type (editorials, reviews, and letters versus original research articles), multiple authorship, self-citation, language of publication, etc.
Abstracts and summaries have been obtained from the journal or publisher's website and various indexes such as; ArXiv, Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Citeseer, CSA Illumina, Elsevier ScienceDirect, Energy Citations Database (ECD), IngentaConnect, JSTOR, PubMed, SpringerLink, Refdoc and Wiley Online Library.
10-23-09 - 450+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
12-13-09 - 500+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
04-21-10 - 700+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
06-20-10 - 750+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
07-25-10 - 800+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
01-14-11 - 850+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
04-13-11 - 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
05-17-12 - 1000+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
07-23-12 - 1100+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
02-12-14 - 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
The editors at Popular Technology.net would like to thank Adam Jayne for his extensive assistance with compiling the list, Dr. Khandekar for his 'Bibliography of Peer-Reviewed Papers', Dr. Idso for his research at CO2 Science and Dr. Michaels for his research at World Climate Report.
- Internet Public Library - Gina Cacace IPL Reference Work (2009) - [Archive]
- Watts Up With That? - Reference: 450 skeptical peer reviewed papers (November 15, 2009) - [Archive]
- The Courier Mail - The papers Karoly didn’t see (November 15, 2009) - [Archive]
- Herald Sun - The papers Karoly didn't see (November 15, 2009) - [Archive]
- Science & Public Policy Institute - 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of AGW-Caused Global Warming (November 16, 2009) - [Archive]
- Roberts, Malcolm (M.B.A.) - Re: Formal Complaint about behaviour of University of Melbourne Professor (November 17, 2009) - [Archive]
- New Zealand Climate Science Coalition - 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of AGW-Caused Global Warming (November 18, 2009) - [Archive]
- Jensen, Rick (WDEL-AM) - Man-Made Global Warming Hoax Unleashed! (November 30, 2009) - [Archive]
- Lycklama, Heinz (Ph.D.) - Analysis of the Global Warming Issue (December 1, 2009) - [Archive]
- National Review - Peer-Reviewed Climate Skepticism (December 1, 2009)- [Archive]
- Canada Free Press - Open letter to Mr. Achim Steiner - Executive Director, UNEP (December 2, 2009) - [Archive]
- Lott, John (Ph.D.) - "450 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming" (December 5, 2009) - [Archive]
- NOS - Geen marginalisering van sceptici? Kom nou! (December 7, 2009) - [Archive]
- Fox News - Surprise, Surprise, Many Scientists Disagree On Global Warming (December 8, 2009) - [Archive]
- The Rush Limbaugh Show - GOP Must Fight Twin Hoaxes of Climate Change and Obamacare (December 9, 2009) - [Archive]
- Right Wing News - Why Can't We Question Man Made Global Warming? (December 9, 2009) - [Archive]
- John Birch Society - Climategate, "Scientific Fascism," and Copenhagen (December 10, 2009) - [Archive]
- American Enterprise Institute - Countering Kerry’s Catastrophic Climate Claims (December 11, 2009) - [Archive]
- The Washington Times - The tip of the Climategate iceberg (December 11, 2009) - [Archive]
- Mail Today - We need to take a hard look at climate change (December 11, 2009) - [Archive]
- U.S. Senator Roger Wicker - U.S. Should Not Sign Climate Pact Amid Economic Risks, Scientific Doubts (December 14, 2009) - [Archive]
- Cleveland Photography Examiner - Is the media a co-conspirator in the global warming deception? (December 15, 2009)
- Right Wing News - The Goracle's Crystal Ball Lets Him Down Yet Again (December 15, 2009) - [Archive]
- AgoraVox - Canulars du Réchauffement Climatique : la fonte des glaces polaires et la « hausse catastrophique » du niveau des mers (December 18, 2009) - [Archive]
- eigentümlich frei - Klimaerwärmung, Teil 3: Die Politik (December 18, 2009) - [Archive]
- Quadrant Magazine - Why Barry Jones is wrong (December 21, 2009) - [Archive]
- Idaho Press-Tribune - There's ample reason to doubt 'truth' of global warming (December 31, 2009) - [Archive]
- Arezki, Hacène (Ph.D.) - Climat, Mensonges et Propagande [Climate Lies and Propaganda] (2010) - [Archive]
- Carter, Robert M. (Ph.D.) - Climate: The Counter-consensus (2010) - [Archive]
- Uday India - Copenhagen or Flopenhagen? (January 2, 2010) - [Archive]
- Hastings & St. Leonards Observer - Climate change: the sceptics need a voice (January 11, 2010) - [Archive]
- Frontier Centre for Public Policy - Opportunism and Exploitation: Climate Change Activism and Hostility to Liberal Civilization (February 2010) - [Archive]
- Australian Environment Foundation - Lecture to Third-Year Engineering Students, UTS (February 26, 2010) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Brief an Umweltminister Roettgen als Nachtrag zum „Energiepolitischer Dialog der CDU /CSU Bundestagsfraktion“ vom 9.6.10 (July 12, 2010) - [Archive]
- The Border Mail - Find the truth before we pay (October 18, 2010) - [Archive]
- Hawaii Reporter - The Scandals of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change [tinyurl] (October 25, 2010) - [Archive]
- De Dagelijkse Standaard - Klimaatdiscussie en georchestreerde karaktermoord (November 3, 2010) - [Archive]
- eigentümlich frei - Bundestag: Die Grünen und die Grenzen der Allmacht (November 9, 2010) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Das ZDF- der Klimawandel- und die Wahrheit: Mit dem Zweiten diffamiert man besser! (December 8, 2010) - [Archive]
- Happs, John (Ph.D.) - Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. Consensus or Fraud? (2011) - [Archive]
- Science & Public Policy Institute - 850 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming (AGW) Alarm (January 15, 2011) - [Archive]
- Contrepoints - Réchauffement, la presse ne sait même plus désinformer (January 21, 2011) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - In eigener Sache: PIK Professor Rahmstorf behauptet Klimarealisten würden "übliche wissenschaftliche Wege" meiden um Kritik anzumelden! (January 22, 2011) - [Archive]
- Contrepoints - La science au service de la raison (January 30, 2011) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Meinungsherrschaft über den Klimawandel (February 23, 2011) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy) - "Klimaschutz": Billionen für nichts! EU-Kommissarin Hedegaard gibt astronomischen Kapitalbedarf bekannt (February 27, 2011) - [Archive]
- eigentümlich frei - "Klimaschutz": Billionen für nichts (February 27, 2011) - [Archive]
- National Alliance Against Tolls - 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of AGW-Caused Global Warming (May 14, 2011) - [Archive]
- Quadrant Magazine - The Critical Decade: Part I (May 30, 2011) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Klimaschutz und Energiewende: Aktuelle Gebote oder nachhaltige Irrwege? [tinyurl] (June 10, 2011) - [Archive]
- The Gisborne Herald - Concerted efforts to squash research that threatens Warmism (July 2, 2011) - [Archive]
- North County Times - Must warmers always resort to deflection? (September 28, 2011) - [Archive]
- Maastricht School of Management - How to Deal With the Dilemma of Anthropogenic Global Warming and the Natural Variability as Drivers for Climate Change (November 2011) - [Archive]
- Kansas State Collegian - Green genocide (November 10, 2011) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Vergangen oder aktuell? Der SPIEGEL warnte 1974 und 1977 vor einer drohenden Kaltzeitkatastrophe (January 31, 2012) - [Archive]
- 24.UNT - Ifrågasätt påståendet att människan påverkar klimatet (February 3, 2012) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Argumente der Skeptiker auf dem Prüfstand, eine Sendung des Bayerischen Fernsehens vom 3.Juni 2012 (June 7, 2012) - [Archive]
- Heartlander Magazine - Hillary Clinton Visits Wrong Place to Observe Global Warming (June 8, 2012) - [Archive]
- Carolina Journal - Balance Needed on Coverage of Sea Level Rise (June 15, 2012) - [Archive]
- Manassas Environmental News Examiner - Ignoring scientific facts, the UN attempts global governance coup at Rio + 20 (June 22, 2012) - [Archive]
- Energy & Environment - On the Public's Perception of Global Warming: Not as 'Dumb' as Some Believe (July 2012) - [Archive]
- UK Parliament Energy and Climate Change Committee - HC 517 The Economics of Wind Power: Memorandum submitted by Kes Heffer (WIND 60) (July 10, 2012) - [Archive]
- Manassas Environmental News Examiner - Conservative group at George Mason University pushes for U.S. carbon tax (July 14, 2012) - [Archive]
- Boston Environmental Policy Examiner - Global warming skeptics: witch-hunts in the 21st century (July 29, 2012) - [Archive]
- Boston Environmental Policy Examiner - New study dismantles Muller's BEST claims; half the warming trend artificial (July 30, 2012) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Eine unbequeme Wahrheit: Während der Kleinen Eiszeit waren die Stürme in Europa stärker als heute (August 8, 2012) - [Archive]
- Heartland Institute - Oreskes, the Queen of Climate Smear, ignores the big money, has no evidence, throws names (August 13, 2012) - [Archive]
- Boston Environmental Policy Examiner - Gore: Don't blame Bush for everything, then blames global warming for everything (August 30, 2012) - [Archive]
- Athens Patch - Man-Made Global Warming: Settled Science? (September 27, 2012) - [Archive]
- Principia Scientific International - The Greenhouse Gas Effect Is Bogus – Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Cools the Earth (December 2012) - [Archive]
- Gervais, Francois (Ph.D.) - L'Innocence du Carbone: L'effet de serre remis en question [The Innocence of Carbon: Greenhouse effect questioned] (2013)
- Principia Scientific International - An Alternative Theory to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide’s Causing Significant Changes in the World’s Climate (January 1, 2013) - [Archive]
- McElroy, Wendy (Research Fellow) How to Lose a Climate Change Argument (March 5, 2013) - [Archive]
- Hufvudstadsbladet - Skeptiker godtar inte blint all information (March 22, 2013) - [Archive]
- SINTEF - Consensus and Controversy: The Debate on Man-Made Global Warming (April 2013) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Der Mythos vom wissenschaftlichen Konsens: Faktencheck von Schellnhubers „Drei bequeme Unwahrheiten“ (April 17, 2013) - [Archive]
- The New American - Climate "Consensus" Con Game: Desperate Effort Before Release of UN Report (May 22, 2013) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Das Umweltbundesamt - staatlich verordnete Klima-Doktrin (June 1, 2013) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Die betrügerische Studie von Cook über den „97%-Konsens“ ist ein Marketing-Trick, auf den einige Journalisten hereinfallen werden. (June 17, 2013) - [Archive]
- Western Journalism - Logical Fallacies and Global Warming Alarmism (July 13, 2013) - [Archive]
- Die Weltwoche - Skeptiker im Aufwind (September 25, 2013) - [Archive]
- The Dominion Post - The jury's out on climate change (September 19, 2013) - [Archive]
- Atlantico - Réchauffement climatique : le point sur ce qui est établi et ce qui ne l'est pas (September 17, 2013) - [Archive]
- Die Weltwoche - Skeptiker im Aufwind (September 25, 2013) - [Archive]
- Boston Environmental Policy Examiner - How to kill the scientific method the reddit way (December 18, 2013) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Vom Klimaschutz zur Energiewende: Notwendigkeit oder Irrweg? [tinyurl] (January 16, 2014) - [Archive]
- BarbWire - Ghost Hunters Meteorological: Seeking the Elusive Global Warming Ghost (February 20, 2014) - [Archive]
- Heartlander Magazine - John Kerry Sinks to Climate McCarthyism (February 24, 2014) - [Archive]
- TruthRevolt - Climate Change Crazies To WAPO: Stop Publishing Krauthammer's Global Warming 'Lies' (February 24, 2014) - [Archive]
- Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions - AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter (March 3, 2014) - [Archive]
- Heartland Institute - John Kerry’s Climate Policy is the Same as Bloodletting: Patients are not Cured, and Sometimes Die (March 4, 2014) - [Archive]
- Media Research Center - COLD SHOULDER: ABC, CBS Exclude Scientists Critical of Global Warming for More Than 1,300 Days (March 6, 2014) - [Archive]
- NewsBusters - COLD SHOULDER: ABC, CBS Exclude Scientists Critical of Global Warming for More Than 1,300 Days (March 6, 2014) - [Archive]
- Clash Daily - Conservatives and Christians – the "Anti-Science" Idiots? (March 12, 2014) - [Archive]
- Heartlander Magazine - U.S. National Academy of Sciences Promoting Global Warming Scare (March 12, 2014) - [Archive]
- The Lakeland Times - 'Scientific Consensus' is an oxymoron (March 17, 2014) - [Archive]
- Northridge-Chatsworth Patch - Secrets of a "Global Warming Denier" (March 23, 2014) - [Archive]
- Institute for Energy Research - U.S. National Academy of Sciences: Doubling Down on Climate Alarmism (and taking science down a notch with it) (March 27, 2014) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Ein Anwalt fragt: können Klimaskeptiker legal der kriminellen Fahrlässigkeit angeklagt werden? (April 8, 2014) - [Archive]
- De Dagelijkse Standaard - De hoofdboodschap van 'De Twijfelbrigade' deugt niet (April 26, 2014) - [Archive]
- Heartland Institute - QPR Newsletter (Second Quarter, 2014) - [Archive]
- International Journal of Modern Physics B - Tiny warming of residual anthropogenic CO2 (May 2014) - [Archive]
- Heartlander Magazine - What 97 Percent of Climate Scientists Do (May 12, 2014) - [Archive]
- Heartland Institute - Research & Commentary: The Myth of a Global Warming Consensus (May 14, 2014) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Energiewende und Klimaschutz: Aus Sicht eines Naturwissenschaftlers [tinyurl] (June 13, 2014) - [Archive]
- The Washington Times - 9th International Conference on Climate Change (June 26, 2014) - [Archive]
- Web Commentary - What 97 Percent of Climate Scientists Do (June 29, 2014) - [Archive]
- Media Research Center - Media Praise BBC Censorship of Climate Skeptics; Attack Dissenters (July 8, 2014) - [Archive]
- NewsBusters - Media Praise BBC Censorship of Climate Skeptics; Attack Dissenters (July 8, 2014) - [Archive]
- The Huffington Post (Canada) - Changement climatique: l'inquisition verte (July 12, 2014) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Meine Tage im Hass (FAZ) (July 15, 2014) - [Archive]
- The General Science Journal - Archibald Roy, the astronomers and the global warming (August, 2014) - [Archive]
- La Météorologie - Commentaire sur « Lu pour vous : L'Innocence du carbone » (August 2014) - (PDF) [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Klimaerwärmung (December 9, 2014) - [Archive]
- Gray, Vincent R. (Ph.D.) - The Global Warming Scam and the Climate Change Superscam (2015) - [Archive]
- Martingano, Salvatore (D.C.) - The Declaration of Dependence: A Betrayal of the American Dream (2015) - [Archive]
- NIPCC - Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming: The NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus (2015) - [Archive]
- European Institute for Climate and Energy - Nachhaltige Wahrheiten vs. Lügenpresse (January 20, 2015) - [Archive]
- The News Herald - Climate change debate continues (February 6, 2015) - [Archive]
- Association of French-Speaking Climate-Optimists - Le climat "Grande Cause Nationale", Vraiment? (February 12, 2015) - [Archive]
- ProCon.org - Is Human Activity Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change? (June 8, 2015) - [Archive]
- North Carolina State University - Climate of Doubt in North Carolina: Sea Level Rise, Economic Interests, and the Media (March 16, 2015) - [Archive]
- Earth-Science Reviews - Anthropogenic CO2 warming challenged by 60-year cycle (April 2016) [Archive]
Good work!
Thanks for the compilation.
Additional peer reviewed papers supporting skepticism about global warming policies:
Goklany, IM. Global public health: Global warming in perspective. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 14: 69-75 (2009). At http://www.jpands.org/vol14no3/goklany.pdf
Goklany, IM. Is Climate Change the "Defining Challenge of Our Age"? Energy & Environment 20(3): 279-302 (2009). At http://goklany.org/library/Goklany%202009%20EE%2020-3_1.pdf
Goklany, IM. “Integrated Strategies to Reduce Vulnerability and Advance Adaptation, Mitigation, and Sustainable Development,” Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change DOI 10.1007/s11027-007-9098-1 (2007). At http://goklany.org/library/Goklany-IAM2007.pdf
Goklany IM. “Relative Contributions of Global Warming to Various Climate Sensitive Risks, and Their Implications for Adaptation and Mitigation,” Energy & Environment 14: 797-822 (2003). At http://goklany.org/library/E&E%20final%20from%20Goklany%20RV%20preprint.pdf
Goklany, IM. “Potential Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Compared to Other Environmental Problems.” Technology 7S (2000): 189-213. At http://goklany.org/library/Goklany%202000%20Technology.pdf
Goklany IM, and Straja SR. “U.S. Death Rates due to Extreme Heat and Cold Ascribed to Weather, 1979-1997.” Technology 7S (2000): 165-173.
Goklany, IM. “Strategies to Enhance Adaptability: Technological Change, Economic Growth and Free Trade.” Climatic Change 30 (1995): 427-449. At http://goklany.org/library/Goklany%201995%20Climatic%20Change.pdf
Thank you, I have added them.
Excellent resource! Thanks for working this up!
Thank You. This is a terrific resource. Really appreciate what you have done.
Would it be OK if I link to this on the Christmas cards and Christmas wrapping paper that I use personally?
People seem to need to actually "SEE" that the discussion is vibrant and ongoing with their own eyes.
They just cannot "HEAR" dissenting words if you "speak" about another point of view.
Thank you again for collating these works.
Please let as many people know about it as possible, that is why I made it.
Great work, many thanks!
I have distributed your list on my German Science Skeptical Blog.
I would also like to add that the paper:
Glacial geological evidence for the medieval warm period
(Climatic Change, Volume 26, Numbers 2-3, pp. 143-169, March 1994)
- Jean M. Grove, Roy Switsur
is available as PDF on Google Books.
I have added a PDF link for that paper, thanks.
Yep! Looks like a consensus to me. LMAO!!!
Well done work, thanks
Excellent. You can add, if you'd be so kind:
Problems with publishing scientific information on the web: how unusual were temperatures in Svalbard, Norway?, Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Number 1, January 2007 , pp. 109-121
- Eschenbach, W.
Climate-change effect on Lake Tanganyika? Brief Communications Arising, Nature 430, (15 July 2004)
- Eschenbach, W.
Tuvalu Not Experiencing Increased Sea Level Rise, Energy & Environment, Volume 15, Number 3, 1 July 2004 , pp. 527-543
- Eschenbach, W.
Willis Eschenbach
Hi Andrew!
I've compared your listing with the science references on the latest UNEP publication « The 2009 Climate Change Science Compendium» published on September 22 with the purpose of filling the gap of published climate research between the IPCC AR-4 of 2007 and the AR5 due to be released in 2014.
The numbers come out as follows:
The UNEP report:
A total of 376 scientific papers (not including references to Institutional Reports) out of which 316 papers refer to the period 2007-2009.
The Popular Technology listing:
A total of 438 papers (not including references to Institutional Reports) out of which 133 papers refer to the period 2007-2009.
I’ve compared these listings in order to establish if any of the AGW-critical papers have been included in the UNEP publication’s scientific paper references.
And I’ve found None! Nada! What I’ve only found are the names of a handful of scientists (I’ve counted to nine) that appear on both “sides” of the “issue-fence”.
This is unfortunately a potential proof of the action of an “invisible hand” or “cherry-picking” that is deliberately excluding opposite viewpoints and also excluding the “voice of” maybe hundreds of scientists. The total absence of recent AGW-critical papers in the UNEP-report can not be explained by “hazard”. The numbers are too large.
I've written a letter to the UNEP Executive Director which you can view here (it's too long for your comment system)
Very valuable - in many ways, and for years to come...
Please consider assisting users by listing the references alphabetically by author.
In addition, a quick way of viewing them chronologically would help many sleuths to continue the good work. Do librarians have the answer to doing both on line?
It is sorted alphabetically per category with the exception of the Hockey Stick and Cosmic Ray section (both are chronological). I have no plans on reordering them.
I am a librarian. We are snowed in here in Minnesota, and I just found your list. Had been looking for one.
If I were sorting it I would put it in an Excel document, with each author in a separate cell. (These documents should all be in the Library of Congress catalog.)
As the list stands, you can use Edit on your browser (top left corner). The last item in the Edit column is Find on Page. Type in a last name and the cursor will lead you through the document.
Remember, computers aren't smart. They only look for matches to what you tell them to look for.
Also Ctrl+F will bring up the find box to search the list.
Wow! Just what the PhD ordered. Thank you, thank you, thank you. this is a gold-mine, a true treasure trove!
Dear Sir,
I have found 193 papers (2003+) on co2science.org, standing for the existence of a medieval warm period, and also added 6 more papers for 2010. I wrote an article; are you interested - infact it is in german.
Thank you, I am aware of them and may add them if I have time. The ones I added are either frequently discussed or are titled obviously. Feel free to post the link to your article.
Dear Andrew,
I`ve seen that you only added about 25 papers on the MWP. I have added on my blog about 230 studies.
Best wishes,
You could add this one linking Asian Monsoon cycles to changes in solar activity:
Coherence between solar activity and the East Asian winter monsoon
variability in the past 8000 years from Yangtze River-derived mud in
the East China Sea
You could add this one linking Asian Monsoon cycles to changes in solar activity:
Coherence between solar activity and the East Asian winter monsoon
variability in the past 8000 years from Yangtze River-derived mud in
the East China Sea
Could you make a bibtex file of the papers available?
Great site! Keep up the good work!
Are you sure this should be on the list?
Oreskes et al. (2008) - "From Chicken Little to Dr. Pangloss: William Nierenberg, Global Warming, and the Social Deconstruction of Scientific Knowledge"
That paper is not on the list. The section you are looking at is, "Rebuttals to Published Papers".
That listing is the original paper that the rebuttal paper is referring to,
The rebuttal paper in this case is,
Early Climate Change Consensus at the National Academy: The Origins and Making of Changing Climate (PDF)
(Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Volume 40, Number 3, pp. 318–349, 2010)
- Nicolas Nierenberg, Walter R. Tschinkel, Victoria J. Tschinkel
Technically I am not counting any of those listed under this section anyway.
Thanks for compiling this list.
I don't see either of these on your list:
1. Karleskind, P. et al , 2011, Subduction of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in the northeast Atlantic.., Journal of Geophysical Research, 116
This one finds found that North Atlantic oceanic currents play a greater role in the absorption of carbon than previously thought by the IPCC report
2. Bounoua L., F. G. Hall, P. J. Sellers, A. Kumar, G. J. Collatz, C. J. Tucker, and M. L. Imhoff ,2010, Quantifying the negative feedback of vegetation to greenhouse warming: A modeling approach, Geophysical Research Letters , 37
This one finds that the doubling of the Carbon Dioxide concentration may be less serious than the IPCC predicts
Andrew et al,
Thank you very much for your time and effort in compiling this list. It was exactly the type of resource I wished to reference.
Great list, and great work in preparing this compilation. I fully suspect though, that the warmists will quickly dismiss this list and say that none of these are peer reviewed - as they feel that they are the only ones capable of being "peers".
Very useful. I was linked to this by a Blog which alleges that most if not all tehse authors are "funded" by Exxon Mobil. How many of their warmist rivals are NOT funded by governments committed to their ideology?
Hello Andrew
Thanks for that superb list! I really appreciate that!
Here I have another 450 papers for you I found at
I only compared them roughly with your list. Some are already listed, some are not. Since I have a very time-consuming job, I'm unfortunatelly not able to sort them.
Will be a long weekend for you. :-)
Anyway, you're doing a fine and respectable work here. Thumbs up!
Greetings from Germany
Creepy, that is an old outdated version of my list from two years ago. There is nothing to combine, only use the current 900 version seen here.
Dear Sir.
It would be interesting to put the list into Excel, because only I have a list of over 150 articles (refereed journals, peer review) of which 50% are not on your list. if the list was a spreadsheet would be easier to check the items missing.
Rogerio Maestri
If you email me your list I will look at it.
Thank you for this. I freely admit a bias towards the "other side", but my bias is not sufficient to simply let me take "they're all in bed with Exxon" or "it's a settled matter" as an answer, anymore than I'm likely to be swayed by the cartoonish antics of many of the "deniers". I'm always on the lookout for facts that I can examine myself, and while not being a scientist much of this will probably go over my head, it will at least give me a jumping off point for putting much of what I hear in context.
Could you number them?
There is no easy way to do that without using a spreadsheet or database as the list is dynamic and changes.
Here is an important one about drought.
There is an experiment that proves that the Greenhouse gas effect does not exist. This experiment which has been peer reviewed by Ph.D physicists . Ph.D. Chemical engineers and others. The experiment is found on the web-site http:// www.slayingtheskydragon.com click on the blog tab. It is titled "The Experiment that failed which can save the world trillion-Proving the greenhouse gas effect does not exist
Hi Andrew,
Thought you might want to add these papers to your list in the solar section:
Hi Andrew,
Thought you could update list with this paper on Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health
The study proves noise emissions from IWTs disturb sleep & impair mental health:
Jamie, thank you for the paper and I added it to my other list that covers green energy,
Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against "Green" Energy
Hi Andrew,
Paper you may have, but couldn't find on "The phase relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature"
CO2 lagging temp change, which really turns the entire AGW argument on its head:
► Changes in global atmospheric CO2 are lagging 11–12 months behind changes in global sea surface temperature ► Changes in atmospheric CO2 are not tracking changes in human emissions.
New paper shows global warming decreases storm activity and extreme weather
Jamie, I will add them in the next update. If you want, you can just email them in the future to: populartechnology@gmail(dot)com
I notice that PT has today, once again, been kicked off andthentheresphysics blog. Their massive over reaction to any inoffensive comment that is against AGW is an indication of their insecurity. The global warming scare is dying because the science behind it is just junk. Keep up the good work.
The greenhouse gas "effect" has been disproved as early as 1909 by Robert W. Wood's experiment and even three occasions after Wood's experiment.
Andrew, I believe you meant to say "UAH" when you said "UHA" when describing where John Christy works in a rebuttal to the common criticism, "There are no papers on the list that argue against AGW."
Thank you, that typo has been corrected.
1. When you click on the abstract link for the article, "Response to Comment on Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data" - the side menu has an option for "Full Text" and "Full Text (PDF)".
2. It is not clear from Nature if "Scientific" Correspondence articles are peer-reviewed - http://www.nature.com/nature/authors/gta/others.html#correspondence
McKitrick et al. (2010) is a standalone paper and is already included on the list. I do not consider it a supplemental paper to Douglass et al. (2007) even though it can be used as a rebuttal to Santer et al. (2008).
I am also well aware the AGU should hire a competent webmaster.
Excellently encompassing a large number of points of view to portray the true nature of the academic complexity of this unrecognized claim at the level of a Nobel-Prize in science, as it is expected for any comprehensively-investigated scientific issue. This is evidence of the need of Congress to initiate a hearing process with legitimate scientists.
Jimmy Vigo, PhD Environmental Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemist, College Chemistry Professor. El Paso, TX.
It would be nice if you would update this list with papers published after 2013.
A quick [Ctrl F] search doesn't come up with a criticism of the IPCC's Global Warming Potential (GWP) numbers primarily as they relate to methane.
The GWP numbers are specifically designed to inflate the role of methane. Why? Because of all the compounds and their GWP numbers listed in the various appendices of the 5 IPCC reports, methane is the only one with a gram formula weight (GFW) less than carbon dioxide. The IPCC's GWP number is larger if the GFW is less than that of CO2.
Steve Case
Milwaukee, WI
Wouldn't the "climate change deniers" be the people who are trying to stop the climate from changing?
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