In March of 2012, the climate alarmist website Skeptical Science had their forums "hacked" and the contents posted online. In a forum thread titled, "From Al Gore to Al Jazeera" John Cook proudly posted,
"Al Jazeera want[s] to feature SkS as the Site of the Week... Am sending them some info and pics now." - John Cook [Skeptical Science], September 28, 2011This was met with near unanimous enthusiasm,
"Wow, that's a new demographic." - nealjking [Skeptical Science], September 28, 2011
"Great News! [...] Wow! Dude! Excellent! ( Plays air guitar. )" - logicman [Skeptical Science], September 28, 2011
"Very cool. I'm a fan of Al Jazeera news." - Rob Painting [Skeptical Science], September 28, 2011
"That's good. [...] I was wondering if WUWT had been site of the week, heh, heh, heh." - Paul D [Skeptical Science], September 28, 2011
"Al Jazeera is actually one of the really good sources of journalism these days. [...] I'd say they're really taking over the mantle of NPR for doing hard news. Al Jazeera is providing a news product that all but disappeared in the US today: Unbiased news." - Rob Honeycutt [Skeptical Science], September 29, 2011
"...if being on Al Jazera may help, ...it's great." - Riccardo [Skeptical Science], September 29, 2011
"This great. Al Jazeera is an excellent news outlet ...and only the truly bigoted will think that this taints SkS in any way." - Andy S [Skeptical Science], September 28, 2011Friedman was the lone dissenting voice,
"Watts et al will have a field day with this. [...] I would tactfully suggest that they can link to content here (which they can do anyway), but not display any form of SkS logo." - muoncounter (Dan Friedman) [Skeptical Science], September 29, 2011
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about what WUWT says about SkS." - John Hartz [Skeptical Science], September 30, 2011On October 4, 2011 Al Jazeera featured Skeptical Science in a brief article titled, "Site of Sustainability: Skeptical Science" logo and all.
Al Jazeera (Discover the Networks)
Site of Sustainability: Skeptical Science (Al Jazeera, October 4, 2011)
From the Skeptical Science "leak": Interesting stuff about generating and marketing "The Consensus Project" (Tom Nelson, March 23, 2012)
Skeptical Science hacked, private user details publicly posted online (Skeptical Science, March 25, 2011)
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